Steroid Discussion


Baller on a Budget
I've concidered using them but I'm a big woos.....I am too scared of all those nasty side affects that everyone mentions when you bring up roids!!! You know, the lil testies, going bald, weakens bones, ect. Most if not all of these things are proven truth. This is way I just say not for me. But it would definatley not be to hit the ball further!

Please provide the proven truth, I have yet to find such articles. Sure, they are possible side effects but everything has possible side effects.

Looks at the top bodybuilders in the world, most have a full head of hair. Testes are brought back to normal size after PCT. I barely ever hear the claim of weakened bones.


My stick is shaved
I can't even count how many people i know that use them, eat like total ****, then complain cause they aren't "swole up". Not to mention the ones that do eat right, but don't worry about PCT and lose it all. Nutrition is the #1 key. If you don't eat right, you may as well not even try them.


what is the safe way to do steroids? i am just kinda starting at the gym (about 1 month) and am looking to lose weight. i have worked out in the past and have always been involved in sports but have never done steroids. i have now fallen off the wagon so to speak and would like to lose near 50 lbs. i have lost 17 already the natural way with just working out 4 days a week and massive diet overhaul. had a close buddy tell me to think about doing it for faster gains. also i have a really bad shoulder in regards to a rotator-like injury and i actually think they would benifit me to recover from that much quicker as well.. any info would be good as i have not done much research. but there definitely seems like a lot of pros when u arent abusing them. and all mental side effects ie roid rage or whatever seem to be just that. "mental" and individual to the person.

1 month:eek:
Steroids (in my opinion) are used generally when your natural ability or potential has been reached.
I would buy a decent fat burner, lower your carbs and fat intake, lower your calorie intake, up your protein and good fats, eat 5-7 meals per day.
Cardio 4-6x/week. Also, because your an "athlete", stay away from bodybuilding type training, stick to plyos,oly lifts and HIIT cardio.
Good luck!


I've concidered using them but I'm a big woos.....I am too scared of all those nasty side affects that everyone mentions when you bring up roids!!! You know, the lil testies, going bald, weakens bones, ect. Most if not all of these things are proven truth. This is way I just say not for me. But it would definatley not be to hit the ball further!

Absolutely these sides are a POSSIBILITY. All of which are easily controlled throughout and post cycle with proper PCT and intra-cycle support.
Also, its been proven, every side effect is REVERSABLE!!! unless left untreated of course.
Go on youtube, there's all kinds of instructional videos on how to properly inject and locations.


Part Time Player
When I was younger (we're talkinf 20 years ago now) I did two cycles of the juice when I was 19-20 y/o. I didn't see any of the listed side effects. what i did see was a 154 lb kid bulk up to 197 lbs of lean muscle in about a nine month peroid (thats counting the time off in between cycles) as long as they are not abused and are taken properly, steroids, in my opinion are safe effect way of building lots of strength and muscle, while cutting fat. now day there are ways to get low doses prescribed by doctors. of you are 30 plus years, you can go get your testosterone levels checked, if they are low you can get low levels prescribed to you by a doctor. these are not high enough levels to make you gail 40 lbs of muscle in six-nine months, but i have seen a few guys do this and there is a visible diffence in three to six months of prescribed use.