Recent content by aern2005

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    Juggernaut "rattle" insight.......

    So I guess removing the foam would be like shaving due to its dampening of the ball? Is that safe to say?
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    Juggernaut "rattle" insight.......

    I think it hits great as is but just wondering if removing the excess would make it better or ruin it worth the trouble?:confused:
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    Easton Salvo Batch

    hahah i just reallized my typing errors sorry does the number on the handle mean the number is was produced and do you know how many total have been made? just wondering for S&G's.....
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    Juggernaut "rattle" insight.......

    my juggy I have an OG juggy and that I bought online about 3yrs ago. Hit with it a few times and didnt like it much so it sat in my garage. I brought it out as a team bat about 2 years ago and all the girls and smaller guys loves it cause it would hit solid liners. About the end of last year...
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    Easton Salvo Batch

    Was wondering if anyone knows how many batches of OG Salvos were made and how many...also how can u tell which number u have?