Bad BP or no BP?


Is terrible bp pitching better than no live bp at all?

Horrible bp pitching has ****ed my swing and timing up completely. As good a time as any to revamp it I guess.


Is terrible bp pitching better than no live bp at all?

Horrible bp pitching has ****ed my swing and timing up completely. As good a time as any to revamp it I guess.

I think that's what is screwing me up.

I BP a bunch but none of our guys that have time to BP are pitchers by any means and in game it's like everything I perfect in BP goes out the window. It's completely different...



Blue Flame bitches!!!!..............Just spend the money.


$180 is really not bad for that. If it's really that good, we could knock out a solid session in half the time as well.


This or jsut swing at good pitches, even if you have to let 8/10 go by.

I know in my situation, most the folks I get to BP with have school or work or studying to we are pressed for time.


I'll have to look into this blueflame pitching machine.


I never got to swing at a pitch that good today.. I'm sold... too bad dispoasble income is non-existant atm.


Addicted to Softballfans
Is terrible bp pitching better than no live bp at all?

Horrible bp pitching has ****ed my swing and timing up completely. As good a time as any to revamp it I guess.

find someone who is a pitcher to throw you BP.


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Let me get this straight. A giant ball is lobbed at you a few miles an hour. You hit it. What's the problem here?

I'd swear some of you are women. If it bothers you that much, just build a tee.
why looked pretty good to me, what are the problems with it?

that vid did look maybe its been improved since I had mine.

I could never get it to consistantly "throw" strikes, it was just more trouble than it was worth.

but, again, after watching that vid I might reconsider.