Not GTG $Yahtzee$ outstanding bad deal


Addicted to Softballfans
I hate, hate, hate doing this, but $Yahtzee$ has gone silent (again) on me after multiple PMs through last night. Here's the facts, if people think I'm wrong, I'll gladly take this down because I think the guy is a probably gtg overall, but he messed up on this one:

Deal was made on 3/28 on a like for like swap of 2014 CL22's, mine a 26oz, his a 27oz, both listed as "returnable with receipt", see my OG thread here:

I delivered my bat timely, in good condition and with papers to $Yahtzee$, as evidenced by his GTG feedback left for me. $Yahtzee$ delivered his bat timely, also in good condition...but no papers. In an immediate PM response, $Yahtzee$ informs me he's not the OG owner, but that the paperwork is en route to me in a week from the original big deal.

A week goes by, no papers, but $Yahtzee$ is at least returning PMs about it. At the end of 2 weeks, no papers and now $Yahtzee$ isn't returning PMs. In fact, until I start poking for personal contact info, I don't get any response...then I put it to the board and, surprise, instant PM response.

It's now 20+ days, and I don't have any paperwork on that bat, which has already cost me 1 deal. Yesterday, $Yahtzee$ PMs me that he still doesn't have paperwork from the OG owner and offers to make things right another way. Cool, I'm not gonna sweat him, so I tell him $50 makes it right (calculating value between NOW NR value and NOW returnable with papers). Dude counters my offer! I say "no", $50 or the papers as originally promised makes the deal even.

Get this...$Yahtzee$ then offers to make or "get" fraudulent paperwork as a counter offer! I've never bought, sold or requested a fraudulent receipt, period. When I refuse that offer, I am told I am "hard to deal with" and haven't heard from the guy since 7pm key time last night. There's no $ that was requested and still no paperwork. Basically, I got jobbed.


Addicted to Softballfans
But, but... I thought receipts were not transferrable anyway?

They might say that, but it's not an enforced policy. In this case, it's beside the point. When you agree to the terms of a deal, you finish the deal as promised. What happens after that is irrelevant.


Rocky Mountain Oyster aka DirtDog
A deal is a deal is a deal. For the most part anyway. If you can't fulfill your end of the agreement it doesn't put you in a good negotiating position so it is best to only deal in tangibles. Suck it up yatzhee and make it right and count it lesson learned. Damn. Over what the difference $50 and what he is willing to pay worth ruining rep?
And yeah, that whole receipt game thing is a mess so don't get me started on it.


Famously unfamous
Well atleast his name is an easy one to remember.
A deal is a deal. I hope that this works out for you.
I'd be pissed too


Addicted to Softballfans
Shockingly, just got this PM from $Yahtzee$:

"I received the rec via fax.
I don't work tell mon AM.
I can email it to u than.
If that works for u?
Just need email or fax #"

If the papers show up, I'll update the thread.


White Samoan
Sent a bat in with a photocopied/emailed receipt from OG owner. Return was denied. Never known a receipt to be worth $50 as well...

And as has been posted, receipts are non-transferable...

I am not trolling, but to start a NGTG thread over a receipt that SBF rules specifically states is illegal is kind of asinine.

Devil Dog

You like soup?
Sent a bat in with a photocopied/emailed receipt from OG owner. Return was denied. Never known a receipt to be worth $50 as well...

And as has been posted, receipts are non-transferable...

I am not trolling, but to start a NGTG thread over a receipt that SBF rules specifically states is illegal is kind of asinine.

:repost: but, but wait, a deal is a deal! :rolleyes: :sarcasm: :devilsadvocate:


Well-Known Member
Shockingly, just got this PM from $Yahtzee$:

"I received the rec via fax.
I don't work tell mon AM.
I can email it to u than.
If that works for u?
Just need email or fax #"

If the papers show up, I'll update the thread.

a fax? is this 1998?


Rec Coed Superstar
I love how people always point out that receipts are non-transferable like thats somehow news to all of us. Everyone knows that that is what manufacturers say but everyone also knows its a pretty easy rule to get around otherwise the value of a used bat without a receipt wouldn't be lower than the value of the same bat with a receipt.


Addicted to Softballfans
His PM says the papers were mailed to me today (I requested snail mail of original receipt), so I'll update if/when I get it.


Quack Attack
This is a joke!
DPHitter, Has got his reciept to finalize our deal.
So this thread needs to come down.
So why are u guys taking shots at me if you dont know the whole story?


Well-Known Member
This is a joke!
DPHitter, Has got his reciept to finalize our deal.
So this thread needs to come down.
So why are u guys taking shots at me if you dont know the whole story?

do not delete this thread

so tell the whole story then


Addicted to Softballfans
no offense this is a joke i know $yahtzee$ on a personal level he is a good friend of mine. and from my understanding bphitter received his receipt and the deal is done. you shouldn't bash a dude who has over 50 reviews and is good to go why don't you let the guy explain the story before you start assuming someone is not good to go before you get all the details?? kind of sad if you ask me if you are going to go and bash him and say he is ngtg when you don't know the story so let the guy explain and let the other guy he did the transaction with explain as well and go from there.


Well-Known Member
no offense this is a joke i know $yahtzee$ on a personal level he is a good friend of mine. and from my understanding bphitter received his receipt and the deal is done. you shouldn't bash a dude who has over 50 reviews and is good to go why don't you let the guy explain the story before you start assuming someone is not good to go before you get all the details?? kind of sad if you ask me if you are going to go and bash him and say he is ngtg when you don't know the story so let the guy explain and let the other guy he did the transaction with explain as well and go from there.

funny you guys show up after the deal is supposed "fixed"


Hardcore since '84
He should be banned anyway for selling multiple now bats and offering fraudulent receipts.
Modify the op that the deal is settled but leave this up so everyone knows what a dbag he was to deal with


Quack Attack
I bought a bat from the a diff site and told DPHitter up front when we decided to trade bats that I didnt have the reciept in hand yet and I was waiting on it from the org owner.....
I keep him update with all the details I knew.
I understand where he is comings from waiting two weeks for a reciept but I dont think I desreve my SBF name to be throwin in the dirt with something like this and when I did finally get the reciept I sent out ASAP.


Addicted to Softballfans
Its funny when bphitter hasn't responded back on if he got the receipt? and from my understanding talking with the dude yesterday he said that BPhitter got the receipt. so where is bphitter at to make this go away. and also if it was me i wouldn't be trying to make deals with a bat that i just got if i am waiting on a receipt. So that right there is kind of a fishy situation. and i know bphitter was probably trying to get rid of the bat so he could get some cash or trade for another bat. but all in all he should have waited until his first transaction was complete to make any other deals.


I'd like to know why it took this long and a NGTG thread for him to get the receipt he was originally told would be in the deal


Well-Known Member
I hate, hate, hate doing this, but $Yahtzee$ has gone silent (again) on me after multiple PMs through last night. Here's the facts, if people think I'm wrong, I'll gladly take this down because I think the guy is a probably gtg overall, but he messed up on this one:

Deal was made on 3/28 on a like for like swap of 2014 CL22's, mine a 26oz, his a 27oz, both listed as "returnable with receipt", see my OG thread here:

I delivered my bat timely, in good condition and with papers to $Yahtzee$, as evidenced by his GTG feedback left for me. $Yahtzee$ delivered his bat timely, also in good condition...but no papers. In an immediate PM response, $Yahtzee$ informs me he's not the OG owner, but that the paperwork is en route to me in a week from the original big deal.

A week goes by, no papers, but $Yahtzee$ is at least returning PMs about it. At the end of 2 weeks, no papers and now $Yahtzee$ isn't returning PMs. In fact, until I start poking for personal contact info, I don't get any response...then I put it to the board and, surprise, instant PM response.

It's now 20+ days, and I don't have any paperwork on that bat, which has already cost me 1 deal. Yesterday, $Yahtzee$ PMs me that he still doesn't have paperwork from the OG owner and offers to make things right another way. Cool, I'm not gonna sweat him, so I tell him $50 makes it right (calculating value between NOW NR value and NOW returnable with papers). Dude counters my offer! I say "no", $50 or the papers as originally promised makes the deal even.

Get this...$Yahtzee$ then offers to make or "get" fraudulent paperwork as a counter offer! I've never bought, sold or requested a fraudulent receipt, period. When I refuse that offer, I am told I am "hard to deal with" and haven't heard from the guy since 7pm key time last night. There's no $ that was requested and still no paperwork. Basically, I got jobbed.

I bought a bat from the a diff site and told DPHitter up front when we decided to trade bats that I didnt have the reciept in hand yet and I was waiting on it from the org owner.....
I keep him update with all the details I knew.
I understand where he is comings from waiting two weeks for a reciept but I dont think I desreve my SBF name to be throwin in the dirt with something like this and when I did finally get the reciept I sent out ASAP.

he mentioned this already

Its funny when bphitter hasn't responded back on if he got the receipt? and from my understanding talking with the dude yesterday he said that BPhitter got the receipt. so where is bphitter at to make this go away. and also if it was me i wouldn't be trying to make deals with a bat that i just got if i am waiting on a receipt. So that right there is kind of a fishy situation. and i know bphitter was probably trying to get rid of the bat so he could get some cash or trade for another bat. but all in all he should have waited until his first transaction was complete to make any other deals.

it doesn't go away, it changes from NGTG to buyer beware. it never goes away. thats what happens when you **** up a deal


Rocky Mountain Oyster aka DirtDog
When you wait almost a week to defend yourself, what did you expect? You have been on here long enough to know better.


Addicted to Softballfans
I'd like to know why it took this long and a NGTG thread for him to get the receipt he was originally told would be in the deal

did you not read the post the original owner from another site had the receipt so neither of the guys got the receipt in a fashion manner. When yahtzee bought the bat the owner of the bat told him i will get the receipt to you when i can. so than he decided to trade the bat to bphitter. notifying bphitter that he doesn't have the receipt on hand that the original owner of the bat had the receipt. therefore yahtzee didn't have the receipt for the bat. bphitter agreed to do the deal and said he would wait for the receipt. and than it took a while for the original owner to get the receipt to yahtzee and than once yahtzee received the receipt he than sent it asap to bphitter.


Voted '15 Mod of the Year
Bottom line: This thread wouldn't be here if OP didn't feel the communication was cut off.


Voted '15 Mod of the Year
junior: I don't think he needs his buddies to stick up for him. He's a grown man, let him tell "the whole story". No need to regurgitate the same info over and over.