Bugs Bunny Slider


Well-Known Member
Luke, I applaud you trying to get better but you have to remember to not be so gullible and believe all this stuff you watch and read on the internet. There are no magic tricks to getting better. Practice is the key. One thing you also need to remember is some people aren't going to get any better. I played fall league with a couple guys who have played for 30 years and they still aren't very good. They play 2-3 days per week March to Nov. and still can't hit .500.

Secondly, you gotta figure out which guys on here know what they are talking about and which ones are full of s**t. I've been on here less time than you have and I have a pretty good idea of who they are.


Active Member
Luke, I applaud you trying to get better but you have to remember to not be so gullible and believe all this stuff you watch and read on the internet. There are no magic tricks to getting better. Practice is the key. One thing you also need to remember is some people aren't going to get any better. I played fall league with a couple guys who have played for 30 years and they still aren't very good. They play 2-3 days per week March to Nov. and still can't hit .500.

Secondly, you gotta figure out which guys on here know what they are talking about and which ones are full of s**t. I've been on here less time than you have and I have a pretty good idea of who they are.

I agree with all of that. I don't blindly just take everything everyone says as 100% true. There are a select few that will take the time to detail why they think something works and that's at least worth reading.

I'm not sure who is saying practice isn't necessary, certainly not me. BUT, if you're practicing bad form/bad habits what do you expect? Absolutely keep training and practicing but keep learning and tweaking as you go.


There's a lot of good info, there's a lot of bro-science and there's a lot of garbage. Just have to figure out what's what I guess.

Bat speed is king so swing a 20oz bat, no swing the heaviest bat, some guy randomly taking BP videos with a radar and driving 103mph balls into the ground to tell you a bat is good, learning to throw a backdoor slider, etc. I don't know the YouTube economics of it, but how many of these channels are for some extra income? How many of these videos are trying to prove the opposite of what's known and true just to drive you to their channel, because that's the only way to stand out?

I don't pitch and I don't play slow-pitch, but you have to wonder, why are so many people bashing these videos instead of rejoicing that they just learned to throw a new pitch?


Well-Known Member
The best pitch I may have ever thrown.................

I was up 0-1 (yes 1-1 count to start) after a legit awful call in pool play. First pitch was high.
2nd was a water pitch to get her to 1-1 (or 2-2 if you will)

next, 3 fakes, great movement, low, cutting back toward the batter and moving a lot. Damn that thing was N-A-S-T-Y

and Bubba Mack hit it about 450 feet. Legit.

Mark Patterson who runs a conference team was there and still talks about it.

Movement matters, until someone swings


Well-Known Member
I only had to pitch once but the best pitch I ever threw hasn't landed yet and that was 18 years ago. Haha.


Well-Known Member
You wanna know why no one cares about this pitch ****? Because its real obvious to most of us that this game is based on offense and the pitcher will never have any advantages and nearly all improvement needs to be where you can actually make a differnce. In the box with a bat or in the field with a glove,

Learning to field the middle is 100000000000000x more important than any pitch. Hit up Andy Purcell he'll second that.


Active Member
Help your team by teaching them to hit the cut off man and score more runs.

If you think a pitch is going to turn the tide in a game that averages 50 runs per contest, you're searching for sparks in an ocean

You think conference players will be the ones watching these videos? You're looking at this through a straw.

Think about the level of softball that I play in...E/D church leagues...many of the guys on the field have NEVER played ANY sport before...

It's mind boggling how many of these games are decided by a singe point, and most games the winning team doesn't score above 10 runs. Watching these games is comedy we're all so bad.

So yes, with people this terrible, a simple knuckle ball can help win.

Also, GOOD LUCK getting anyone to a practice. At first we tried to have just one team practice before the season starts but gave up on even that. I'm out doing BP and fielding practice very single weekend in the spring/summer/fall and it's an open invitation to the whole team. My two brothers are typically the only ones that show up.


Well-Known Member
its runs, not points for starters.

You should just accept that you play this rec league to have fun and stop trying to make it into the world series. Have fun out there and realize that the extra effort, and practice aint worth it. You aint out there trying to win a ring or getting paid $300/weekend plus expenses.


Active Member
its runs, not points for starters.

You should just accept that you play this rec league to have fun and stop trying to make it into the world series. Have fun out there and realize that the extra effort, and practice aint worth it. You aint out there trying to win a ring or getting paid $300/weekend plus expenses.

The only reason I'm out there is to have fun and to get off my rear, but I have more fun when I play better. Who doesn't?

How am I trying to make it into the world series? When did I ever say I'm trying to become a conference level player or make money at this?


The people who watch these videos play the game for 2 seasons, quit when they still suck, and move on to some other thing.

And maybe that's the intended audience. If the guy is making $100 a month off YouTube views because of it, then he's happy. One of the regular posters here posts is a funny comedian, making videos of putting shaving cream on a bat and that he's going to shave a bat while talking about Jesus and trying to push his pyramid scheme business. Up to us to determine what's garbage and what's useful.


Well-Known Member
And maybe that's the intended audience. If the guy is making $100 a month off YouTube views because of it, then he's happy. One of the regular posters here posts is a funny comedian, making videos of putting shaving cream on a bat and that he's going to shave a bat while talking about Jesus and trying to push his pyramid scheme business. Up to us to determine what's garbage and what's useful.

legend7 on youtubes for all the wins