well ty im hoping to draw some teams up from northern ill well im going to cover a 60 mile radius from janesville and im hoping that people will have fun and get to know some diff teams from outher places may be it will open more doors for more turnys
no 2 strikes and 3 balls going try to get some pics of the dimones next monday night when i play then post them to give people a idea on what they look like they are verry nice and nobody knows why the city dose not have more turneys i all ready have the trophys donated and they will be verry nice ones to have the beer all ready set up for that day every thing is falling in to place nice now just hope the teams do no one has tried to do what im doing with having all 3 turneys going on at same time
i fig i can have up to 26 teams per mens coed and womens teams i have 4 dimones that i can use whitch is nice because they go north south east west they kind of make a big square with the back stops in the midle.i am going to rotate the 4th one like mens coed womens to help speed it up
we have pritty good comp looking at 4,3,2, or 5,4,3 it would be more but it is a fund raiser i might be able to go 6,5,4, or what do you think this is the first of many to come
love that part of wisconsin, hunted around there a ways back. Would love to make for the tourney. what kind of comp do you usually have there. Any ideas on payouts?
you will like it its a good long ball hit really good pop right out of wraper i cant upload any picks i keep on getting this Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing. do you know what this is?