frontagerdmaui May 7, 2011 Where you been you jackalope? Everything is OK i hope... If not best wishes and hope all works out... If all is OK... **** off jack ass... LOL....
Where you been you jackalope? Everything is OK i hope... If not best wishes and hope all works out... If all is OK... **** off jack ass... LOL....
frontagerdmaui Jan 5, 2010 I work nights butt hole.... It is only 1:30 here.... I work at 4pm... So GFY and EAD..... LOL.....
I am #23 Aug 8, 2009 they're playing LO right now. we beat them twice in league ball...we got a chance...
I am #23 Aug 7, 2009 i cant even play bro. i have an infected wisdom tooth and have to get surgery in the morning. i might play on sunday though if im feeling better. im really pissed off about it...
i cant even play bro. i have an infected wisdom tooth and have to get surgery in the morning. i might play on sunday though if im feeling better. im really pissed off about it...
CHOOLY_#14 Apr 12, 2009 hey guys... we hit in 45 mins. heres the link if you havent already sighned up
hey guys... we hit in 45 mins. heres the link if you havent already sighned up
MAYHEM#21 Mar 11, 2009 well unless our coach has more info we have the 6 teams we need so the tourney is going to go
I am #23 Mar 11, 2009 that s.o.b. called me saturday while i was in PHX. i tried to call him back but he didn't answer... that's a shame, i woulda played...
that s.o.b. called me saturday while i was in PHX. i tried to call him back but he didn't answer... that's a shame, i woulda played...