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  1. IDP

    Glove works

    did anyone order the pro kip option? i'd love to see how it compares and if its worth the $40 upgrade.
  2. IDP

    Glove works

    ok cool thanks man
  3. IDP

    Glove works

    any updates on these? i'd like to see some more pics and hear some reviews of their quality before pulling the trigger, plus i'm having trouble getting in touch with them through their website.
  4. IDP

    For Sale Fuji XF1 2/3 sensor camera

    would also trade for 12.75 - 13.5 decent quality glove, something along the lines of a mizuno global elite
  5. IDP

    For Sale Fuji XF1 2/3 sensor camera

    happy new year bump
  6. IDP

    For Sale Fuji XF1 2/3 sensor camera

    price drop, added trades
  7. IDP


    2014 CL22 ret w/rec, $155 OBO
  8. IDP

    For Sale/Trade 30oz CL22 silver/pink, ret w/rec and Stormtrooper Black Ops

    thanks.... but there are no active listings on the bay for niw 30's selling for that price though. and the cheapest 30oz sold in the last 3 months, in any condition, was $152.50 plus $15 shipping from Canada. the other 30's that have sold were $170 and above plus shipping. so now because of...
  9. IDP

    For Sale/Trade 30oz CL22 silver/pink, ret w/rec and Stormtrooper Black Ops

    cl22 sold for asking, stormtrooper still available
  10. IDP

    For Sale/Trade 30oz CL22 silver/pink, ret w/rec and Stormtrooper Black Ops

    haha, i should since i can only use for bp now that my league switched, but every time i sell a j2u i regret it the next day and it ends up taking me a couple months to find another clean one.
  11. IDP

    For Sale/Trade DeMarini Black Ops StormTrooper Batpack

    only trades i'm looking for are a mercy, or a easton 26.5oz 2013 lv1 or 27oz 2013 l1.0 ...SOLD...........Stormtrooper Black Ops BatPack: $95 shipped obo minty condition, only used a couple time to carry balls to the indoor cages. never seen the field, dirt, or grass etc. pics...
  12. IDP

    For Sale/Trade 30oz CL22 silver/pink, ret w/rec and Stormtrooper Black Ops

    only trades i'm looking for are a mercy, or a easton 26.5oz 2013 lv1 or 27oz 2013 l1.0 [U]SOLD LOCALLY....($145)............CL22 Stadium 30oz, returnable with receipt: $155 Shipped OBO bat is in great shape, no rattle, no end cap issues, no paint cracks, only a couple chips and ground...
  13. IDP

    '13 L1 vs '14 L1

    slightly off topic...but does the L3.0 have the same endload and feel to the L1.0 (2013 or 2014 versions) and do they get as hot?
  14. IDP

    For Sale RHT Louisville Slugger TPX Pro Flare FL1275CC

    im open to bat trades...27oz eastons & demarini's, but would consider other brands. Would really like to get a 27oz 2013 L1.0, 26-27oz 2 piece DC41.
  15. IDP

    For Sale RHT Louisville Slugger TPX Pro Flare FL1275CC

    slomaro, no I will not sell you the glove for less than half of what I just paid for it. Thanks for the generous offer though.
  16. IDP

    LTB Or LTTF LS softball flare 13.5 inch.

    I have a minty brown and tan 12.75 that measures a little over 13" pics are in my post if you're interested.
  17. IDP

    Walk the box advice...

    walking the box = middle's open?
  18. IDP

    Walk the box advice...

    Everything you said is exactly what I was saying earlier about why I thought people do it, but Bballkking1 said walking the box with unlimited arc pitching has nothing to do with where the pitch might land, so now I'm confused. And I mentioned the timing mechanism part because for a few guys in...
  19. IDP

    Walk the box advice...

    Another reason to not walk the box lol.