Search results

  1. biggtd99

    For Trade combat virus fp 34/26

    half jackets,flak jackets any really just no metals and have to be polarized color black or white frames
  2. biggtd99

    For Trade combat virus fp 34/26

    I have for trade a 34/26oz. virus fp has about 30 swings on it literally looking for oakley sunglasses (real ones guys with polarized lenses) or 27-28 oz. worth bats (fulks or connels.)
  3. biggtd99

    GTG bceberhart is gtg

    bceberhart is gtg in my book will deal with again anytime!
  4. biggtd99

    GTG Eddie is gtg

    Eddie is gtg I did a trade with him and everything went great this guy is gtg in my book and I will deal with him again anytime.
  5. biggtd99

    ashipp22 is gtg for sure

    Did a deal with aship22 and everything went great will deal with him anytime.
  6. biggtd99

    hey bro you still want this bat or not I have another person wanting it if you do not.

    hey bro you still want this bat or not I have another person wanting it if you do not.
  7. biggtd99

    NIW TOXIC NR 26oz.

    toxics No they do not I got about 100 swings on mine and it is hot as piss but if you get one they are about an ounce or so heavy my 26oz. weighs 27.3 on postal scale jmo
  8. biggtd99

    Moody #21 is gtg

    Did a deal with moody #21 and it was great to deal with him great communication great person to deal with and I will deal again with him anyday.
  9. biggtd99

    LTT NIW 28oz Toxic for 27oz Toxic

    toxic I know from experience they run heavy I have a 26oz. and on a postal scale it weighed in at 27.3 ozs. and my buddy has a 27 oz. and it weighed 28.1 ozs just letting you all know from true weight scale
  10. biggtd99

    rbleacher is very gtg

    Did a deal with rbleacher on here and dude is straight honest would deal with him anytime thanks:D
  11. biggtd99

    LTT possibly 2 for 1

    looking to trade 2010 26 oz. ressy titan 200-300 cuts with return on it hot as fire and a niw 28 oz.titan 98 nr.- looking for a 26-27 oz. connell prefer niw or now w/return
  12. biggtd99

    ltt 26oz. og m7 asa special edition mayhem

    Like it says 26oz. m7 mayhem special edition asa bat it is the grey one with red writing this bat is stupid hot I bought to play in cincinnati metro asa tourney and now our team is not playing in it only has about 75 swings on it lmk what you have want to stay at 26-27oz worth or miken only thanks.
  13. biggtd99

    lts or ltt 09 eastons

    i have a 09 helmer synergy+ 27oz. and a 09 scn12 blue stealth+ helmer has 25-50cuts on it x2 returns and the stealth has 100-125 cuts on it x2 returns 150.00 red helmer or 150.00 for stealth or trade for 27 0z. ressy mutant