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  1. J

    For Sale Vinci BR46 Exclusive Red Black Mesh RHT

    Glove Still interested if you change your mind.
  2. J

    LTB yellow combat senior

    Whats a 26fl worth these days??????
  3. J

    Great guy here. Best service on bat delivery i have ever had. Thanks jammoga

    Great guy here. Best service on bat delivery i have ever had. Thanks jammoga
  4. J

    GTG 6ball

    Best service on delivery I have ever had. 6ball is GTG. THANKS
  5. J

    Senior NSA tournaemnts?

    Hey Bruce, Got this info from Joe Cothran maybe you can email him and get more info. Joey Ammons Columbus 55s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -----Original Message----- From: joe...
  6. J

    Softball pitching machine

    Iron mike I have a IRON MIKE. It's an old one, machine holds 3 to 400 balls. Paid 450 for it on ebay, great machine you can hit till you drop. LOVE IT.
  7. J

    LTB 454 senior worth

    Intrested in a 26 or 27oz senior worth 454, let me know what you have and how much.
  8. J

    For Sale Ltb 454 senior

    Ltb 454 senior 26 or 27 niw or now let me know what you have and how much?
  9. J

    LTB Ultra II with Senior Stamp 27oz

    The greyone is better imo.
  10. J

    For those who use two in the pink....

    I'm with you on this keyhole, 3 in the pinky hole been doing this for 25 years. I use a 14" glove it takes a while to streatch it out but closes much better and no sting on fingers.
  11. J

    Bat Warmers

    Mine is a PYROFLIGHT holds one bat, but can get two in it. You put it in the microwave for about 4 to 5 minutes. This is the first one I have ever used and only wanted one for cold weather thinking it would help save the bats when its cold. After useing it for the first time Saturday I'm...
  12. J

    Bat Warmers

    Bat warmer Got one for christmas this yr, took it with me to the field last Saturday. I put my new combat centenarian in it once I got to the field. This bat was brand new, the last one I had took 300 swings to get really good. This bat after a couple of swings was doing really well put 5 over...
  13. J

    What qualities do you look for in a new teammate?

    In Columbus, Georgia you can play senior league ball at 54.
  14. J

    What qualities do you look for in a new teammate?

    Team I agree with you Bruce commitment is tops. I tryed to be up front with all my players in the beginning,don't waste my time and effort if you can't make most of the tournaments. When you invest the time and money that it takes to run a team players need to show up. I can understand you may...
  15. J

    2012 Schedules?

    Schedule COL. 55s AAA Montgomery ala spa mar.16-18 myrtle beach sc issa mar.30-apr.1 burlington nc issa may 4-6 columbus ga issa apr. 20-22 pensacola fla spa may 18-20 salem va world issa jun. 22-24 auburn ala issa july 13-15 boaz ala nsa...
  16. J

    For Sale utrip el 2011 z1000

    Banned?? Wow how do you get banned that quick?????? After 1 post
  17. J

    GTG Freak og

    AMAZING BATS is great guy to deal with fast and smooth THANKS
  18. J

    Thanks for a speedy and smoth deal THANKS J

    Thanks for a speedy and smoth deal THANKS J
  19. J

    Just Got This

  20. J

    Issa tournaments

    Issa Hey Bruce, I'm the coach for the Columbus 55s. I 'm new to this roll looking at ISSA tournamet schedule they have several in our area. One in Columbus and one in Auburn. They also have the TRAIL where if you play these 3 tournaments they pay your tournament fee for the one in VA. I'm very...