Search results

  1. Sandlot Legend

    LTB Demarini 375 mx

    I have a 375 MX ....28 oz....with the ASA 2000 stamp....can text pics
  2. Sandlot Legend

    For Sale NEW G-Form shin guards, Large & XL

    Received them and would deal again with BMOSES121
  3. Sandlot Legend

    LTB Orange Demarini 375 (2007 model)

    I have the older black/orange 375 and a 2006 Techzilla, both in 28 oz if you are still looking.
  4. Sandlot Legend

    For Sale NEW G-Form shin guards, Large & XL

    I don't use PP, but do you use ZELLE on your bank app?
  5. Sandlot Legend

    For Sale NEW G-Form shin guards, Large & XL

    Interested in the XL
  6. Sandlot Legend

    For Sale 11" Balls

    Still available??
  7. Sandlot Legend

    GTG StoneyD65

    I sold him my 26 oz Rush98 and he paid as agreed.:D Would deal with him again.
  8. Sandlot Legend

    For Sale 11" Balls

    I will take the EVILS and any other ASA 44/375's you may have.....please let me know how many total.....thanks!!!!
  9. Sandlot Legend

    For Sale 11" Balls

    Interested in the ASA EVILS 44/ many do you have?
  10. Sandlot Legend

    For Sale 5 bats for sale (Demarini, Rawlings, Easton, and Worth)

  11. Sandlot Legend

    For Sale 5 bats for sale (Demarini, Rawlings, Easton, and Worth)

    Wednesday morning bump......I am taking all PMs into consideration...thanks.
  12. Sandlot Legend

    For Sale 5 bats for sale (Demarini, Rawlings, Easton, and Worth)

    I play at Memorial 4 and 5 on Friday nites and Memorial 2 and 3 on Sundays if you want to meet locally. Thanks.
  13. Sandlot Legend

    For Sale 5 bats for sale (Demarini, Rawlings, Easton, and Worth)

    Selling the following 5 bats - prefer to sell locally in Houston area but will consider shipping:: 1 - 28 oz Demarini dents or flat spots = sold locally for $65 2 - 28 oz Demarini dents or flat spots = $85 3 - 26 oz Rawlings RUSH 98 (no return).........sold to STONEYD65...
  14. Sandlot Legend

    Playing after herniated disc?

    I am going on my 2nd year of being pain free after finding out I had a herniated disc in the summer of 2010. I still have numbness in my right leg and get funny sensations on the bottom of my foot (like I'm stepping on a clump of clay). Thankfully, I am able to walk, run, and play softball...
  15. Sandlot Legend

    Bought to pull the trigger on a Pure

    These are my first Combat bats, so I didn't know that. :o
  16. Sandlot Legend

    Bought to pull the trigger on a Pure

    I didn't realize it, but the PURE has those grooves on the taper area.
  17. Sandlot Legend

    Bought to pull the trigger on a Pure

    Both UTRIP......both my ASA leagues are allowing UTRIP bats since we are using the 52/300 ASA ball.