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  1. Superstar555

    Do you lift before a game?

    Alright, I'm going to start lifting on game day and monitor the results. If it turns my 301' bombs into warning track power I'll stop.
  2. Superstar555

    Do you lift before a game?

    Or my workout is just that good!
  3. Superstar555

    Do you lift before a game?

    I usually don't lift before a game, but these days I'm playing 3-4 days a week and it's really cutting into my workouts. BTW: I'm old AF.
  4. Superstar555

    Official 2019 "this is softball" thread.

    The more accessories (eye black, sweat bands, magnetic bracelets, braid necklaces) a guy wears, the worse he is. This is softball.
  5. Superstar555

    2019 Excuses thread..........

    The reason I'm not hitting as many HR's is the 30lbs I lost.
  6. Superstar555

    Back after all these years

    Pretty much any bat from a major manufacturer will be fine. I SMH at these guys who buy 5-6 new "hot" bats every season and still fly out to the pitcher. Hint: These ain't the bat.
  7. Superstar555

    Which League is Better?

    I will never get tired of Joker. MVP!
  8. Superstar555

    Vinci Rep?

    Holla at me via PM please.
  9. Superstar555

    Question for pitchers?

    Just like motorcycles...AGATT. All the gear, all the time.
  10. Superstar555

    Failed compression process

    File suit in small claims court for the value of the bat in question (most small claims courts only allow monetary suits rather than property). In my county, it only costs $25 to file and they'll be forced to answer the suit or the judge will issue a summary judgement. No lawyers allowed. I've...
  11. Superstar555

    Pitchers... Fielding the middle

    For me, the bigger the better when on the mound. Mine is marked 15" but measures at 16". Looks like a damn pizza box.
  12. Superstar555

    ASA power bat

    These days there is absolutely no reason to spend more than ~$150 on a bat for ASA if you are using the .52 balls. Hit it square with any 'new stamp' ASA bat from a quality manufacturer and it will go. Don't and it won't.
  13. Superstar555

    How many home runs will you hit this year

    I only hit them when it's an out. FML.
  14. Superstar555


    That model would actually work for me. League play, bats tested once a year. 1) Buy bat that fails in ~70 swings. 2) Get tested+league sticker right out of wrapper first day of Spring season. 3) Hit BP. 4) Launch bombs until next year. So exactly which bat are we talking about here? ;)
  15. Superstar555

    Pitchers - Mask or Helmet?

    This x1000 I took a bad hop off the mound, instinctively turned head, ball smashed me in the ear hole and ended up in short left field. Turned a ambulance ride into a laughing matter. I also got hit in the back of the head once by a throw from 2B to home while I was running to backup the plate...
  16. Superstar555


    The field house is open from 6:30PM (first game @ 7) until the end of the last game, every day there are games. Pretty easy to find time for a test+sticker.
  17. Superstar555


    I play in two leagues. One tests and stickers bats (ASA) and the other doesn't (USSSA). In the league that tests: - Every bat is tested for compression. - Swing an un-stickered bat, you're out and bat is taken out of play. - Try to move a sticker from one bat to another, 1 year ban.
  18. Superstar555

    Pitchers... Fielding the middle

    My priorities on the mound are: 1) Stay safe 2) Pitch strikes I stick to rec leagues these days, so anything I field while pitching is a bonus.
  19. Superstar555

    568' 44-375 ball

    Fixed that for you. AWALT. ;)
  20. Superstar555

    250 tournament

    Someone called my name?