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  1. homeplatepr

    2011 GBA video

    Another bat???? I paid for my GBA on September and never got it and get too many excuses!!!!
  2. homeplatepr

    My new GBA

    Still waiting my GBA and I paid on September 7!
  3. homeplatepr

    For Sale/Trade NIW 28oz Toxic xxx

    I have interest in the Worth Bat, please let me know, I have $140 on Paypal ready to paid!!!
  4. homeplatepr

    Boombah Cannon

    I have 2 before and both have endcap issues!!!
  5. homeplatepr

    For Sale/Trade 3 reebok 28oz. Niw bats - vector o plus, dictator plus & melee plus

    Hi! I have 3 niw reebok softball bats, new used, they are brand new, i'm looking for trade or sell $150 shipped each. If you have some bats let me know! 28oz. Dictator plus (orange) 28oz. Vector o plus (royal) 28oz. Melée plus (royal/orange) thanks!
  6. homeplatepr

    For Trade 28oz DS PLague

    I have an Afflicted Brand New no Return, let me know, is 30oz FL
  7. homeplatepr

    For Sale New combat 30oz asa gear afflicted • no return

    Where? a Afflicted?
  8. homeplatepr

    For Sale New combat 30oz asa gear afflicted • no return

    This is a brand new combat asa gear afflicted in 30oz still in wrapped, the price is $210 shipped!!! Paypal gift payment only!!!
  9. homeplatepr

    For Sale 26oz. Boombah Cannon for Sale!!! USED!!!

    Price Drop $110 shipped!!!
  10. homeplatepr

    For Sale NIW LAUNCH 510's

    $135 shipped to Puerto Rico? the 27oz.?
  11. homeplatepr

    For Sale Freak limited ED 30oz

    Do you have pictures, I'm very interest in the bat!
  12. homeplatepr

    For Sale/Trade freak 98

    $200 shipped to Puerto Rico???
  13. homeplatepr

    For Trade NIW 30oz Freak98 Bubble Sticker w/ Receipt

    Sent me a PM, I will sent the payment now!!!!
  14. homeplatepr

    Looking to buy Ript it Senior yellow

    I have one 28oz Brand New for $289!!! Let me know!!!
  15. homeplatepr

    Looking for a Combat Dan Smith asap!

    PM Sent Back! Let me know please!!!
  16. homeplatepr

    Looking for a Combat Dan Smith asap!

    I have the money ready to spend!
  17. homeplatepr

    For Sale 2 Gears for sale

    The Red One is available?
  18. homeplatepr

    LTS/LTT Boombah Senior Bat 28oz

    $90 shipped to Puerto Rico?
  19. homeplatepr

    For Sale 26oz. Boombah Cannon for Sale!!! USED!!!

    This is a nasty bat and no more available and I need a ASA Bat!