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  1. mrbtjohns

    Need a logo designed...

    Thanks Will Do...
  2. mrbtjohns

    Need a logo designed...

    I need a team logo designed... Team name is Eccentrik but the "k" is backwards... Team colors are Burnt Orange and White... PM me if you are able to help...
  3. mrbtjohns

    Exclusive Hype Train

    I agree with you on this... The CL22ASA needs a lot of BP (IMO)...
  4. mrbtjohns

    Time to break in a Cluggy

    Break in time 200-250 swings... I have roughly 700 swings on mine and I love it...
  5. mrbtjohns

    What's your worst injury getting hit while pitching?

    Not trying to stir the pot BUT do you apologize if you hit a shot to the 3rd baseman and it hits him on the shin??? So no I don't apologize if I hit middle and the ball happens to hit the pitcher... Last time I checked he has a glove like the 9 other players on the field... I also pitch and I...
  6. mrbtjohns

    L4 US exclusive

    I don't need another bat BUT the USA bat will be in my bag...
  7. mrbtjohns

    Shoulder Surgery Update

    Yes it is...
  8. mrbtjohns

    Is the CL22 on par with the J3A???

    I'm with Goosepimp on this... I love the CL22ASA... Not taking anything away from the J3A BUT the CL22ASA fits my swing just fine...
  9. mrbtjohns


    I swung mine all weekend long at that VA tournament and was very surprised at how well the bat performed against the 52/300 ball...
  10. mrbtjohns

    CL22 ASA (cluggy)

    Hey here is MY update on the CL22ASA... It now has 600+ swings on it with a mixture of 44/375 and 52/300... As expected it murders the 44/375 all day long... Crisp line drives with excellent exit speed and distance... 52/300 ball leaves the bat with good speed and the line drives are crisp as...
  11. mrbtjohns

    Rotator cuff tendinitis

    Go see a doctor to get it checked out... It may be a tear in your labrum or it could be tendinitis...
  12. mrbtjohns

    CL22 ASA (cluggy)

    It's a mixture of 44's and 52's...
  13. mrbtjohns

    CL22 ASA (cluggy)

    Mine has 150 swings on it and it is starting to heat up...
  14. mrbtjohns

    Rip-It Vision Helmet/Facemask

    Nick are you going to wear in league play also?
  15. mrbtjohns

    McDoublernaut & 2014 Juggy

    Cool... Well I have some swinging to do... I put 25 swings on it this weekend, and I'm liking it so far...
  16. mrbtjohns

    McDoublernaut & 2014 Juggy

    How many swings is needed on the CL22 ASA before it is "game" ready??? 100-200 or 200-300 hits???
  17. mrbtjohns

    For Sale 26oz Easton SP12SY98H and Demarini CL22

    Both bats are gone thanks for all the interest...
  18. mrbtjohns

    For Sale 26oz SP12SY98H

    She Gone.....
  19. mrbtjohns

    For Sale 26oz Easton SP12SY98H and Demarini CL22

    All Pms returned on the 98H... Deal Pending...
  20. mrbtjohns

    For Sale 26oz SP12SY98H

    All PMs have been answered... Deal Pending...