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  1. Sully

    CoEd - Girl Pitchers / Shooting Middle

    Interesting. It ensures the women are spread evenly around the field.
  2. Sully

    CoEd - Girl Pitchers / Shooting Middle

    Are you sure about that? Rule 4, Section 1, 3e. Coed 10 players five male and five females: They must have two males and two females in both the infield and outfield and one male and one female as pitcher and catcher. So you could put your girls at 1st and 2nd if I am reading this correctly.
  3. Sully

    When a pitcher pitches from further back

    You are thinking maybe Seniors? The 2020 rule book, Rule 6,3,E, says, "The pivot foot shall remain in contact with the pitcher's plate until the pitched ball leaves the hand." Seniors says the pitcher may take a position from the front edge of the pitcher's plate to ten feet behind the pitcher's...
  4. Sully

    ASA What would you rule?

    Where is WBSF played exactly and why do you keep mentioning it when the thread says ASA? The few times you've referenced it the rules you talked about were different so it's not even a ruleset that seems similar enough to use as an answer. I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't see the...
  5. Sully

    ASA what's the call

    The Homerun rule in fastpitch says: "On any over the fence homerun all base runners and the batter runner have LIVE BASE RUNNING RESPONSIBILITIES. The batter-runner and any runner can be called out for passing a preceding runner. You can't get an out on over the fence homerun (or ground rule...
  6. Sully

    ASA what's the call

    I get your argument, but the rules say you have to successfully complete your baserunning responsibilities. You can't pass a previous runner. It still happens in MLB, the Dodgers did it at the beginning of this year. Bellinger passed Justin Turner. It happened because Turner wasn't sure the ball...
  7. Sully

    ASA what's the call

    I know Bretman and NCASA call high level USA ball. The ruling from Oklahoma City backs what they say. If Bretman and NCASA agree on a rule, especially for USA softball, I would bet money on it. NCASA also talked to one of the three who told him something different than they told you. As far as...
  8. Sully

    ASA what's the call

    Here you said it was for USA/ASA not Seniors. Maybe I missed it but I didn't see any reference to Seniors at all. I am still curious who your State UICs were. NCASA said he talked to one of them and he agreed with him. Names would make that easier to confirm. There seems to be a disconnect.
  9. Sully

    ASA what's the call

    Ironically enough, in addition to speeding up the game, one of the reasons listed for hit and sit is it removes possible appeal plays while running the bases. Rule 8.I Awarded bases must be touched in legal order. EXCEPTION: All adult slow pitch. On any fair batted ball hit over the fence for a...
  10. Sully

    ASA what's the call

    I'm not really arguing with you. Once we started talking about this scenario I kind of rabbit holed down the what-if line and wondered what happens if the ball is still a live ball and then rolls under the fence out of play but the batter-runner passes the previous runner before it goes under...
  11. Sully

    ASA what's the call

    You are missing the whole point of the runner going straight to second position, but I'm not surprised because you aren't really trying to listen to anyone's point. The point of the going straight to second example is that your responsibility to legally run the bases doesn't cease to exist...
  12. Sully

    ASA what's the call

    Just curious using this logic, if the batter hits a ground rule double and is watching it and hasn't touched first base, once the ground rule double is declared can the runner just go directly to second base without touching first? The answer is no. The reason is because even though it is a dead...
  13. Sully

    Turfs of choice?

  14. Sully

    Other Walked batter / Pinch runner.

    I agree. I belong to the school of thought if you cant move enough to walk to 1st or even need a runner to run 280 consecutive feet maybe you should work on your conditioning or play golf and ride in a cart the whole time.
  15. Sully

    Other Walked batter / Pinch runner.

    It probably would help the "speeding up the game" argument if the same teams didn't take 20 mins to do the Garciaparra before each at bat and actually hustled in and out from the outfield between innings. Time how much time is wasted waiting for teams to get to the outfield and to do their...
  16. Sully

    ball hits runner on base

    Section 12, BASERUNNERS ARE NOT OUT: L. When, while in contact with the base, the base runner is hit with a fair batted ball unless the umpire rules that the ball was intentionally interfered with, or a fielder interfered with, while attempting to field a batted ball. EFFECT Sec. 12 L-M. The...
  17. Sully

    Best of 2020

    Don't forget the preorder six months before the bat is supposed to be delivered that really doesn't show up for almost a year. I don't order until I get enough pre-orders to pay for me to have the bats manufactured.
  18. Sully

    Infield Fly & Interference

    I'm just covid bored and looking to discuss softball. It's not a personal assault on the rulebook. :)
  19. Sully

    Infield Fly & Interference

    Not arguing the call or the result. I understand the rule and why the ruling was correct. More of a discussion about the rule. The same way the rule used to say a fielder could be in the runners way while waiting to receive the ball and they realized that the fielder should have the ball before...
  20. Sully

    Infield Fly & Interference

    That was my point, in the matter of one second she went from both feet in foul territory and her left foot on the 3 foot line to her left foot in front of her right foot two steps into fair territory. Maybe the wind is blowing that way. How is the runner supposed to know the ball doesn't tail...