Search results

  1. Avy1234

    Canseco playing in B League

    I live in SoCal and it appears that Canseco has moved into my city. He's playing a few nights a week in my league and is always taking BP at our local field. For a little background, our league is very weak. Our A league would be competitive only at the lowest levels of tourney ball. On...
  2. Avy1234

    USA Men's Softball Hat

    Does anybody know where I could pick up one of the hats from the USA vs Canada game? One of my teams jerseys are Navy and Red and that hat would go well. I can't seem to find the hat anywhere though.
  3. Avy1234

    Roids in softball

    As I watched the USA vs. Canada game I couldn't help but notice how huge many of the USA players are. I don't really care from a right or wrong standpoint...but doesn't it look like many of these guys are on roids?
  4. Avy1234

    How does your teams strategy change when you know you are outclassed?

    My Thursday night league team got bumped from B to A league (Keep in mind that B league in my town is about equal to Rec in a tourney). The problem is we are not near the caliber of team as the guys in A League. Playing a tough game in a tournament is one thing, but playing at a level you are...