2014 Miken Super Freak??


Addicted to Softballfans
Has anyone swung one of these yet? And are these a exclusive bat or will they be selling them here at the SBF store?

Dj Tank

I've been looking to get one but not enough reviews except for those boys from ****** ultimate. It's seems likes its going to be stupid hot...


The Rookie
I haven't swung one yet but my brother received his 2014 ASA only Mike SuperFreak HPS yesterday. Were suppose to test it out tomorrow if the rain holds off. ******ultimatesports.com is the maker and only sales through his websites and ebay. Kelly swears by these bats and I have owned all the super freaks (they definitely live up to the hype) and plan on buying the USSSA one in a couple of weeks. He said its the hottest USSSA bat he tested to for the 2014 season. So its above the new worths and mikens including the triad, new Pyscho Izzy, and Rev Ex.


Addicted to Softballfans
Correct me if Im wrong, but if a bat is exclusive to a company wont they say whatever it takes to get sales. Just sayin


Addicted to Softballfans
I've picked up two super freaks in the past. Love my utrip max load, absolutely hated the red sf98. They will tell you that these bats are the best things ever. In all actuality, they're just repainted versions of the normal models with a slight change in load and balancing. Just look at the current models and you should get a good feel for how the exclusives perform. In my case it was basically a repainted mv-1 and a repainted freak dst. So you'll probably be getting a repainted ultra and a repainted psycho. At least for me, I've made the choice to support the sbf store over Kelly's because I feel that I get a lot out of these forums and therefore want to be a loyal customer.


yes somebody please let me know how it hits. I have the red and yellow and have swung the NXT i can promise they are not the same bat, now if you said the white Sf98 and the worth filthy are the same bat i might agree with that. And if you know anyone who wants to unload a red & yellow sf98 drop me line cause mine is on its last leg, and just an FYI probably the hottest ASA bat ive ever swung, but they dont last long


Addicted to Softballfans
I haven't swung one yet but my brother received his 2014 ASA only Mike SuperFreak HPS yesterday. Were suppose to test it out tomorrow if the rain holds off. ******ultimatesports.com is the maker and only sales through his websites and ebay. Kelly swears by these bats and I have owned all the super freaks (they definitely live up to the hype) and plan on buying the USSSA one in a couple of weeks. He said its the hottest USSSA bat he tested to for the 2014 season. So its above the new worths and mikens including the triad, new Pyscho Izzy, and Rev Ex.

Ya swears by them so he can line his pockets. Of course he said its the hottest bat of 2014.

Seriously dude? Take that propaganda somewhere else.


Love mine! 27 sticker, weighs right at 27.2 (unlike last years all association which I got 26 sticker and it came in at 27.25). Great distance. Only complaint is the sweet spot isnt the biggest IMO. (last years white one seems to have a bigger sweet spot) All in all great pop and swing weight with the midload, but gotta admit the bat will definitely punish you on mi****s. You will feel the stingers for sure.


someone review the sum bish already

2014 superfreak USSSA is the same bat as last years model different paint job. While I thought the red and yellow was average at best, the White Superfreak 98 from last year was a beast dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Superfreak HPS ASA only is an upgrade from last years 98 as expected, its gonna be my gamer but for pure performance I think the Mutant ASA only, and the Miken Triad were a tad hotter.


Ya swears by them so he can line his pockets. Of course he said its the hottest bat of 2014.

Seriously dude? Take that propaganda somewhere else.

They had those bats made and weigted specifically to their desired specs so they are always going to favor those bats over other models. A bat that is good for someone may not be the best choice for someone else. Same could be said about the exclusives SBF's had, Down to Earth, and all the other stores who sell exclusives. They request what they want in an exclusive and it gets made. Why wouldnt they favor a bat they had a hand in creating?:confused: You blasting one of your "board brothers" cuz he likes a bat another company sells, or appreciates their reviews is pretty homo bro.


I called Miken Sports yesterday and asked if there was much of a difference between the red 2013 Super Freak and the new 2014 Super Freak .. I specifically asked "Is it basically just a re-paint of the 2013 Super Freak?" .. and she said "yes, but there are slight improvements with the technology , but it performs just about the same as the 2013 model" ... So .. I asked her "So , there really isn't much of a difference in performance?" .. and she said " No" ..... I have to say .. i was very impressed with her honesty ....


The Rookie
haha thank god i read this thread i was just about to cough up 300 on the 2014 utrip super freak but wat is that actual make up of the bat superfreak is really a (rev-ex repainted n psycho is the rev-ex painted) damn shady shii right here.....i guess i'll get a rev-ex forget the exclusive paint lol.....