2015 Juggy Actual Scale Weights....


"Mr. Guapo's Dad"
26 oz NIW with OG grip...

27 oz NIW with OG grip...

Other weights coming soon...
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Outstanding Mutha****er
How old is you receipt!

Have u hit it?

If the answer is 1 really recent and 2 none... I'd call cust srvice and return it.


Outstanding Mutha****er
I would definitely call them and tell them that it's an once and a half under scale with the wrapper on and you would either like another closer to sticker or another model....

It's not being ****-ish, it's giving a top notch company feedback... Feedback that they'd actually want to hear.. This isn't Combat where the weights are all over the place and everyone knows and accepts it.

I'm sure they'll take care of u

Worth a shot... Let us know how it goes.


You mad?
Ugh this crap again. The bats are not stickered according to scale weight its seing weight. Been gone over multiple times


"Mr. Guapo's Dad"
27 oz bump...

27 oz added bump....
going to see if i can get my hands on a 28 oz...


Addicted to Softballfans
My 26 with OG grip was 24.9 and now with 1.1 lizard grip is 25.3. It doesn't feel light I mean it feels like a 26 too me


Addicted to Softballfans
Would the bats with no handle weight be better bats possibly? Has anyone weighed 28 juggys? Another random question, did the last years 28 juggys weigh right on? Can get a good deal on a 28, but might be a little heavy for me. Thanks


Addicted to Softballfans
Ugh this crap again. The bats are not stickered according to scale weight its seing weight. Been gone over multiple times

Eh, I guess. I've seen numerous 27oz juggies weigh from 26.0 to 27.3, so those all "swing" the same?

I can see if every single one was withing .1oz of each other, but to have 10 different bats with a 1.3oz spread - they don't swing the same


Addicted to Softballfans
wouldn't a missing handle weight make them illegal?

Possily... i'm pretty sure back when the older bats were being recertified they were adding weight to the knob/handles, thats when everyone started complaining that the bats were not as (hot) as pre recert... idk! :hmmm:


Star Player
27.5 insane.....26.2 on the scale with wrapper but no grip.
26 mercy with wrapper no grip 25oz on the dot. Not just the juggys.


Ugh this crap again. The bats are not stickered according to scale weight its seing weight. Been gone over multiple times

LOL at "swing weight" ... If someone wants a 27 shouldn't they get what they ordered or close to it? Someone please explain the "swing weight" excuse. Even if that were true, why is there such a varience from same sticker to sticker?? Does that mean there is different swing weights in the same sticker? :rolleyes:

What swings like a 27 to me might be totally different to someone else. How do they know what 27 swings like to me? :wtf2:


Addicted to Softballfans
^^^ That's what I said........10 of the same sticker weight had a 1.3oz spread. Swing the same? I think not :D


BP Legend
Even when they correct them they'll all still be under weight. OnlySolo is correct that DeMarini does everything off of swing weight. Larsen told me this like 3 years ago. It's not bad QC 3 years in a row if they all come in under weight. Btw my 26oz weighs 24.3 w/ taped grip and feels exactly like a 26oz in hand and on a dry swing... It also feels more end-loaded then my boys (which he just got) and his weights 25.4 with tape and is a 26oz...


Old and Grumpy
Even when they correct them they'll all still be under weight. OnlySolo is correct that DeMarini does everything off of swing weight. Larsen told me this like 3 years ago. It's not bad QC 3 years in a row if they all come in under weight. Btw my 26oz weighs 24.3 w/ taped grip and feels exactly like a 26oz in hand and on a dry swing... It also feels more end-loaded then my boys (which he just got) and his weights 25.4 with tape and is a 26oz...

My J3A 27 scales at 27.2
My 2014 Juggy 27 scales at 27.0
My CL22A Cluggy 27 scales at 27.0
My Insan3 27.5 scales at 27.0

None of the above bats are what I consider to be "underweight". If I got a 2015 Juggy 27 that was less than 26.5 ounces, I'd be saying "WTF". use whatever reason or excuse you like, but if it scales light it's light