This is pretty easy to clear up...
1) Go to this or another field with verifiable size, one that has a hill behind it or score-house that is high enough to see the whole field/past fence.
2) Set up camera at higher postion/angle, so you can actually see where they land (not that hard to do).
3) Repeat the feat.
4) Easy enough to then see where they ACTUALLY LANDED and determine the distance with Google Earth.
5) I'll believe it then (as I'm sure others doubters will)...
One guy did do a better job of measuring, though I also doubt that is where it really landed, or that he or guy who says he found the divot REALLY knew where it landed. How do you know it is same divot? Sorry, but you cannot even tell on the vid that it went out. Ball just dissapears... Too low of resolution.