Compression limits of a Schutt LFC9


Combat Ho
I entered into the masters division in my league. They switched balls back to .44 400 so I figured Id go old school and use an older bat. The bat is the Schutt Fernandez LFC9. Our bats are compression tested. The problem is there doesnt appear to be any official documentation as to what the actual limit is for the bat to fail compression, so they wont let me use the bat. I mentioned that Combat made the bat for Schutt. Still Id like to use the bat occasionally. Is there any thing official out there? Even though its ASA stamped, its a no go.


Addicted to Softballfans
Guess it would depend on the league rules. Do they go by ASA or Utrip? Since that's an older bat, it wouldn't be non-linear so it would be whatever the sanction (240 for Utrip, 1500 for ASA).


Combat Ho
ASA league. I believe it should be the same as a Combat as the bat was made for Schutt by Combat. But theres no documentation. And both Schutt & Combat are long gone. My VirusFPs passed.


Combat Ho
I meant to follow up on this. About a week after the last post the ASA site was updated. Something to the effect of all pre ABI bats
having a 1400psi limit. The one I had tested fell below 1400. Still his excuse was that at the level it was tested at he asked why I was it when it was probably dead.