Im just saying i payed for one in February n have never seen it.
yeah i was heading up an order as well for a breast cancer jersey and it was like pulling teeth to get any info on em. i finally just gave up. i've tried calling, emailing, PM'ing some guys i know that work there on here. and it seemed like it would be weeks before i would get a response and even then it was just a one word answer to my questions that didnt really help anything. i have seen there jerseys and they look sweet but just be careful i guess is all im sayin
yeah i was heading up an order as well for a breast cancer jersey and it was like pulling teeth to get any info on em. i finally just gave up. i've tried calling, emailing, PM'ing some guys i know that work there on here. and it seemed like it would be weeks before i would get a response and even then it was just a one word answer to my questions that didnt really help anything. i have seen there jerseys and they look sweet but just be careful i guess is all im sayin
Some of us are rocking the Dog Tag jersey in PINK. Funds don't go to breast cancer research though...wish I knew how it could. However breast cancer is the reason for PINK and not for what most pink AMMO jerseys are for.
Pm.. no response???
I've been in contact with Dave for the past few days about a jersey and he's responded back each time with no issues. Maybe you should email him as pm's are not the best for immediate contact....... IJS
Dave sent you and email and a message on here hope to hear back from you.
As requested, Young lady....
those are pretty bad ass, also, props on the Infamous jerseys, we played them in Cincy a few weeks back and their jerseys were nice
Thanks sir. I appreciate it.
Sent paypal for March of Dimes style jersey, Pm sent as well
Sent paypal for March of Dimes style jersey, Pm sent as well
I have the autism one an rock it every chance I get! Never had a problem with ordering or communication. People have lives and don't sit on SBF 24-7.
My jersey was long but I took it up the road to a cleaner and they hemmed up right where I wanted and made it perfect