How are you guys playing during the covid era?


Active Member
We have our first game on Tuesday. Some of the rules include,

1. no more than 12 players on a team (shouldn’t be a problem because who really thinks it is a good idea to bat 14).

2. No fans in the stands.

3. We are suppose to wait in the parking for the game ahead of us to finish and once our game is over, we are expected to leave immediately (no post game tailgating).

4. No sharing of equipment with the other team. It is ok to share equipment with your teammates, but it is discouraged.

5. Umpire and catcher will be back a little further and will be socially distanced. Not too crazy of a deal since it is mat ball anyways.

6. Between half innings, the umpire is suppose to disinfect the ball.

7. Between games, the umpire is suppose to disinfect the handle to the dugout.

8. no congregating in the dugout. We are expected to practice social restrictions (either distance or masks).

9. Other than in the stands, we do not have to wear a mask.

10. No sunflower seeds, chew or anything else that would cause you to spit.

11. No pregame meeting.

12. No pregame/postgame handshakes shakes.

13. If someone on the team comes down with COVID, the entire team is suppose to quarantine for two weeks. The league will attempt to make up games that can’t be played because of this.

14. No cash refunds if local, state, federal health guidelines cause the league to be canceled. Teams will get a credit fo an upcoming season.


Well-Known Member
Me, a bag of balls, 4 bats and a tee have become real close the last three months.

League is supposed to start June 24th. Not holding my breath...


3DX Connoisseur
We have our first game on Tuesday. Some of the rules include,

1. no more than 12 players on a team (shouldn’t be a problem because who really thinks it is a good idea to bat 14).

2. No fans in the stands.

3. We are suppose to wait in the parking for the game ahead of us to finish and once our game is over, we are expected to leave immediately (no post game tailgating).

4. No sharing of equipment with the other team. It is ok to share equipment with your teammates, but it is discouraged.

5. Umpire and catcher will be back a little further and will be socially distanced. Not too crazy of a deal since it is mat ball anyways.

6. Between half innings, the umpire is suppose to disinfect the ball.

7. Between games, the umpire is suppose to disinfect the handle to the dugout.

8. no congregating in the dugout. We are expected to practice social restrictions (either distance or masks).

9. Other than in the stands, we do not have to wear a mask.

10. No sunflower seeds, chew or anything else that would cause you to spit.

11. No pregame meeting.

12. No pregame/postgame handshakes shakes.

13. If someone on the team comes down with COVID, the entire team is suppose to quarantine for two weeks. The league will attempt to make up games that can’t be played because of this.

14. No cash refunds if local, state, federal health guidelines cause the league to be canceled. Teams will get a credit fo an upcoming season.

Q, you playing at Redstone? That's the only league I know of that's going now. I play there tomorrow night.


Active Member
Q, you playing at Redstone? That's the only league I know of that's going now. I play there tomorrow night.
Hey Terry, I’ll be playing at Cornerstone. I think we get our schedule tomorrow. To make it worth my while, I’ll probably try to make a reservation at the batting cage before each game to loosen up.


Well-Known Member
It's confirmed our season starts the week of July 6, and they're offering preseason tourneys June 25-28. Don't know yet what extra rules and restrictions we'll have.
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3DX Connoisseur
Hey Terry, I’ll be playing at Cornerstone. I think we get our schedule tomorrow. To make it worth my while, I’ll probably try to make a reservation at the batting cage before each game to loosen up.

I'm going to ump there on Mondays and Wednesdays.


Active Member
We finally get to start league next week. We have pretty much the same rules Q posted (Colorado Springs instead of Denver area)

The complex I play at has 6 fields. For our division at least they are going to have us play 2 games back to back against the same team. I think those will be the only 2 games on that field that night. One other thing they are doing is saying the batting team gets the batter, 1 player on deck, no more than 4 players on the dugout at a time, and the rest of the players have to stay outside of the field of play until they are up in the rotation.

Other than that, we will see how it plays out. I'm just ready to get back on the field.


Well-Known Member
It's confirmed our season starts the week of July 6, and they're offering preseason tourneys June 25-28. Don't know yet what extra rules and restrictions we'll have.
The masks are optional for the players, but the umpires have to wear a mask.

Social distancing is enforced.

No sharing gear or bats.

Every team is given balls by the league to use. I suppose if you’re on offense you don’t handle the balls.



Well-Known Member
We have been playing for the last 2 weeks. We have tons of rules here in Ohio but nobody seems to follow any of them just as I predicted before the season even started. My main league is in a little town is SE Ohio where not many people have contracted Covid so they think it doesn't exist. The leagues in Columbus haven't started yet.


Well-Known Member
Santa Barbara has very few cases. Perhaps the reported numbers only existed in the prisons and various nursing homes in the north county.

All the bars and restaurants are now open, including resorts and hotels.

And softball, of course, resumes next week!


Well-Known Member
You’re safe even without COVID with the bats you like. Unless you had normy or dunkyy on your team
Oh quit with your bad self.

We start this month on the 26th. Haven't read the fine print yet. Probably limited players/fans with social distancing and all that jazz. I'll be Normy Bench until the cast comes off in 6 weeks or so.


in your face nancy grace
I'm not playing this year. Our league has all those rules plus every base, in every situation is going to be force outs with commitment lines between them. No sharing bats, and batting gloves are suggested. You can only show up 15 mins before the game then leave immediately after. No children can be left to play while we play. Hit and sit for Hrs which I don't mind. The league can't follow their normal rules so I'm going to take the season off to allow these rules to pass for next year.


Well-Known Member
Masks are stupid if your league is mandating that then they can eat a ****

This whole Covid thing is a false flag


3DX Connoisseur
Masks are stupid if your league is mandating that then they can eat a ****

This whole Covid thing is a false flag

None of the softball here is requiring masks or anything else really stupid.

I also agree about it being a false flag.


Old School
We were scheduled to play our first league game of the year tonight. We’ve had no rainfall here in east Texas all month and today a storm developed right over the fields and just sat there for about an hour. Games cancelled. 2020 is truly cursed.


3DX Connoisseur
We were scheduled to play our first league game of the year tonight. We’ve had no rainfall here in east Texas all month and today a storm developed right over the fields and just sat there for about an hour. Games cancelled. 2020 is truly cursed.

That sucks. Weather has been perfect for the last 3 months here in CO. You could play every single day and there would have maybe been 2 cancellations during that time due to weather.
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Active Member
I played a little play around tourney Saturday. Good little tune up for fun. We do get to start my league tomorrow, so I'm pumped to get back on the turf.


League ball huer
Postponed again here in north Cali, looking at Labor Day week now for league, I would rather them just cancel now instead of dangling the carrot, I’ve turned to golf now


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for everywhere but my city has not officially reopened yet. No field permits have been issued. With that said, there are "pockets" of play going on. I've witnessed one league that has been having scrimmage games for the last 3 weeks or so on the weekends. My understanding is that they are planning on formally starting up their league play in 10 days. Whether or not that's realistically going to happen is questionable to me but being that it's a recreation center that controls the facility, it might happen. Personally, I think that they are being used as guinea pigs...…..

While most public playgrounds have been padlocked with hoops removed, there are still many facilities where it would be impossible to keep people off of without the presence of some type of security. This would cover hundreds of fields throughout the city so I don't know what's happening in those types of situations. My guess would be that there are a lot of people playing informally.


Well-Known Member
Been hitting since March with a buddy of mine. Had about 10 BP with just 2-3 people. No league play scheduled yet. We are just in waiting mode and Phase 2 reopening starts tomorrow so maybe we will hear something soon. Hoping to at least play some Fall ball.


Well-Known Member
First ever league organized practice tonight, supposed to have umps to explain all the covid guidelines, the city passed an ordinance that requires a mask in any public building in the city but not sure what the deal will be on the fields. League starts for mens and coed next Tuesday, FINALLY :D


Bat Huer
Had our first game last night. Temp checks at the gate. Dugouts closed. Umps had masks on. Everything else was normal.


Active Member
We played ball last night. Not really much difference for the most part. We could only have 4 people in the dugouts at a time, which made half innings take a bit longer than normal, but not too bad. They also were swapping the ball out after every half inning, which made no sense, since they were tossing them into a bucket, and then just grabbing them back out of there after every foul ball. There was also a line the catcher and ump had to stand behind, but they were next to each other so? Overall the impact was minimal on the game. Really things weren't slowed down much.


Well-Known Member
Had our first game last night. Temp checks at the gate. Dugouts closed. Umps had masks on. Everything else was normal.

Dugout closed so where did everybody sit?

And the temp check is so stupid. So what if I have a fever? You understand your body temp rises to kill off a virus right? So because my temp is high doesn’t mean I have Covid