Madbeers Accident Pics


Up and Over
Glad to see you're recovering well - keep up the good work...

What do they have you doing for rehab???? Banging your head on a pillow while you work up to wacking the wall?? :eek: :frusty:

My brother actually had a similar injury, just below the eye instead of above it. And also he tripped while walking through road construction and found a chunk of concrete on the way down. He completely shattered his cheek bone and broke the orbital. Surgery went well though and he was back to normal in about 10 weeks.


Boss Awesomesauce
Did u have head trauma I couldn't tell with the shirtless photos ha ha

You're welcome?

Almost starting to look like a normal human being, though no metal detector is going to agree.


Ghostbusters 2 bro. That's ****ed up

I don't remember seeing that one.


Addicted to Softballfans
Looks like it's coming along good, slow progress is still progress....before you know it, you will be hitting them a mile...and we will all be in awe.....
Better each day. But it's going slow. I have so much swelling on my forehead it's ridiculous. Eyes are coming along. I think with more time and rest I should be good.


Boss Awesomesauce
How many fingers am I holding up?

In just the one hand? I'll say 6.

Looks like it's coming along good, slow progress is still progress....before you know it, you will be hitting them a mile...and we will all be in awe.....

I am nothing special.

None there all in your a$$

I laughed at this. Is that wrong?

After seeing these I would have donated more than $5 bucks LOL. Get well soon buddy.

Dude... You kidding? I don't care if it was $5 or $500. I think it's amazing what people like you (for the most part, strangers), chipping in for a cause. Real talk, amazing.


Starting Player
Good to see you are doing better. I will keep a good thought for you and a full speedy recovery.
Don't forget to get your wife some flowers for what you put her through.


Boss Awesomesauce
Good to see you are doing better. I will keep a good thought for you and a full speedy recovery.
Don't forget to get your wife some flowers for what you put her through.

Great idea brotha.

on a side note - where can I donate?

Dude, that's so kind of you. Seriously, Means an absolute ton. But real talk... I think there's been enough raised to take care of all my medical bills according to my insurance. Seriously, hold onto your pennies for the next guy.


Rocky Mountain Oyster aka DirtDog
Hopefully this thread may help at least one other person avoid an injury. Freak stuff will still happen, but awareness never hurts.


Dude, that's so kind of you. Seriously, Means an absolute ton. But real talk... I think there's been enough raised to take care of all my medical bills according to my insurance. Seriously, hold onto your pennies for the next guy.

Well I certainly hope there isn't a next guy!! But seriously, if ya need anything let me know.


Extra Hitter
Sorry to hear about this and i wish you a speedy recovery. best wishes and hope you feel better soon bud


Addicted to Softballfans
^you're right. middle might be the safest spot normally. the hit along the net that catches a pole is stupid dangerous


I dont know about you but when I am in the cages and the lanes are narrow the ball seems to go up the center.


I'm a dead pull hitter outside (well working on that) yet in the cage it goes right back. I think some of it may be because we are pitching from 25ish feet.


Boss Awesomesauce
Thought you guys would be interested in an update. I'm doing great. Doc was mad at me yesterday cause I'm back at work a month early. But other than some swelling, headaches and my sense of smell is completely gone, I feel great. Eyesight is 100% restored and scars are healing nicely.


Outstanding Bad Mudasuka!
Thought you guys would be interested in an update. I'm doing great. Doc was mad at me yesterday cause I'm back at work a month early. But other than some swelling, headaches and my sense of smell is completely gone, I feel great. Eyesight is 100% restored and scars are healing nicely.

Glad to hear youre well (and crazy) to be back at work that early. It seems youre recovery is going super fast! Thats awesome bro.

Did they give you a timeline on when your sense of smell will come back?


Star Player
Thought you guys would be interested in an update. I'm doing great. Doc was mad at me yesterday cause I'm back at work a month early. But other than some swelling, headaches and my sense of smell is completely gone, I feel great. Eyesight is 100% restored and scars are healing nicely.

That is the worst knowing your wife can cook with the best.


Where's Larsen?
Thought you guys would be interested in an update. I'm doing great. Doc was mad at me yesterday cause I'm back at work a month early. But other than some swelling, headaches and my sense of smell is completely gone, I feel great. Eyesight is 100% restored and scars are healing nicely.

Holy crap! I just saw this thread. Glad to know you're recovering quickly. Did you have any brain swelling or effects that you have to monitor?

Take care of yourself, man.