Not GTG Missing Package SilverSlugger7


Starting Player
Yeah pretty much, We are at wits end with this guy. The text say's send it FROM that email address NOT to that email address. A friend of mine was digging into silver slugger and had thought that it was his email address. My friend Vinny is not the smartest guy but has a knack for finding out information about people. I don't know any other Rob in NY other than SilverSlugger7 aka Robert Bikowitz. My buddy reached out to him because he was not happy about the situation I am in and found some alleged dirt in his past. Vinny is not from NY and lives near me in PA, as you can tell by the 610 area code.

The theory that I would have someone sitting outside of his house to get my own bat back ( that I haven't been paid for yet) is absolutely ridiculous! The way he has corresponded with me the last 2 days have left me thinking something is fishy. Slugger has been very nonchalant and not very sympathetic to my situation. If someone had stolen something off of my doorstep in broad daylight I would be very concerned. He even went as far to tell me that he has tons of vagrants and homeless people wandering around his house and that anything could have happened to the bat. I also have a ton of screen shots and texts to prove this. Why not bring this up before I ship the package if it is a possible issue. I am fairly new to the board with minimal experience selling and trading bats. In hindsight I should have requested a signature.

He also knew the package was insured because I sent him a pic of the receipt with the tracking # on it and the insurance info also.

Earlier today he told me " I've done all I can do. You paid for insurance right? I would suggest using it. Things do get stolen in the mail, they have insurance for peace of mind. Your job as a seller is to make sure whatever you sell gets into the buyers hands, It didn't happen. I'm about done with this convo. I suggest you file a claim." That was today around 3:30. I have not filed a claim and I would rather not because it sounds very time consuming and most likely a total hassle.

I never pressured him or even once asked him to pay me over the last 2 days. My friend tried to lean on him tonight because it was evident Slugger was done with the situation. So my Vinny took action on his own.

Yes, I live in the Philadelphia area. I'm a 40 year old man with a wife and kids, a nice house and a good job. I don't have the time or the will to run $250 scam on bats or insurance fraud.

He either has the bat or it was stolen off of his doorstep. Like someone said above, Lets get the Police involved. Stealing federal mail is a serious offense. I have nothing to hide and I'm sure the police can verify that I have not left PA or that I've had no correspondence with anyone in NY other than SilverSlugger7.

I would like the package reported stolen. What do you say SilverSlugger? You up for that?


Outstanding Bad Dealer
So much bull****. I was never "nonchalant" in this. I contacted the post office on Tuesday and personally went there today. To get answers face to face. There's not much more I can do in that time span. I was hoping the bat would turn up. I also find it comical that you have someone randomly text me with threats and on top of it spew this non sense about some "alleged dirt." Hate to break it to you, but I have no dirt at all. I have no criminal record nor have I ever even been in hand cuffs, but you and your buddy conveniently text me demanding money to be sent to two separate email addresses, one which is linked to a guy in my area. Now you're trying to make it look like it was a freudian slip up in a text. How did you get a random email address from a guy that lives in Albany? I mean you and him claim you know so many people that supposedly know me, but when I question you both, all I get is silence. You're trying to straight up scam. GTFOH


Starting Player
stay tuned people.... It's about to get good.

Notice how he didn't respond about contacting the Police or reporting the package stolen?


Starting Player
It's fixing to get really good. He can kiss his 50+ GTG rating goodbye.

My wife is involved now and she's a pitbull!

Sorry for your luck Robert Bikowitz , you picked the wrong guy to scam.


Outstanding Bad Dealer
Yeah, except I said this hours ago...and notice your response refers to the deadline you and your buddy set when he sent me a paypal address that isn't yours. He miraculously thought it up somehow though. Eventhough it belongs to a guy that lives in my general area. Hmm...coincedence?



Starting Player
I should be in bed right now but instead I'm dealing with this nonsense. I tried to give Bob every chance to come clean but he couldn't do it. I would like to set the stage to show you all I do have the right guy. Robert Bikowitz aka SilverSlugger7. All of this is Public information and I hope I'm allowed to prove my point so nobody else gets burned.
I'm guessing he thought he could take advantage of me because he has a lot of good feedback and I don't. I notice that he sells a lot more than he buys on the site according to his feedback. I wonder where he gets all the stuff?

I will be contacting the Police in the morning to report the package stolen.

Bob's Linked IN account.

Bob's Face Book page.

This is you right SilverSlugger7? Kinda makes sense with all the DeMarini stuff!


Starting Player
So then we dug deeper into Facebook.

My wife Contacted Bob's brother Stephen. Their conversation is posted below with Stephens blessing. It's pretty bad when your own brother thinks your a low life! There is a reference about a baseball bat instead of a softball bat, it's all the same to the wife. She is not into sports and she also NOT into getting ripped off.

Send the $250 to my paypal [email protected] or send the bat back if you can't afford it Bobby.



Addicted to Softballfans
Soooo, maybe the bat got delivered and some unknown scumbag took it? I know it's not as exciting as all this conspiracy theory stuff but maybe, just maybe that's what happened???


Starting Player
Soooo, maybe the bat got delivered and some unknown scumbag took it? I know it's not as exciting as all this conspiracy theory stuff but maybe, just maybe that's what happened???

It is possible, and that's what I thought may have happened at first.

Then time of the things he said and his defensive attitude and lack of concern something seemed off. At one point he said " how do I know you didn't send an empty box full of tissues?" What would be the point that since I shipped first and did not receive any payment yet.

His constant mention of his feedback, the comment about tons of vagrants and homeless people, an excuse of not being home because I work nights but this week I'm working days etc...

And then the sudden dismissal of the entire situation got me thinking so we did some digging. If this guys is screwing over his own family why not some random stranger off the site?

Yes he has good feedback and I don't have as much, but he sells a lot more than he buys and what perfect cover to hide behind. His word vs mine on SBF.


Starting Player
I was going to send the guy $150 seeing as he's out both the bat and money since he's a new member and shipped first but after he stated it was all on me and now has people randomly texting me threats he can basically eat a ****.

Not once did he offer any compensation nor did I ask for any until I found what I did on Facebook. Then all of a sudden he was going to send me 150$ but now he is not. Above is the first mention of any compensation in the last 3 days.


Starting Player
Here is the location the bat was shipped to, looks like stolen packages might not be much of an issue here. It is the red building, not very big with minimal neighbors to be the culprit. If it was stolen then Bob will have no problem calling the Police to report the theft, correct?



The Veteran
Soooo, maybe the bat got delivered and some unknown scumbag took it? I know it's not as exciting as all this conspiracy theory stuff but maybe, just maybe that's what happened???

I agree... unless someone has proof anything else has happened... the facts of this deal are getting clouded up... tempers are raising and frustration of the situation does not help...

it is clear that the seller sent the bat to the buyer... USPS has confirmed the delivery was made... seller should get his money... the seller should not be responsible for theft from buyers property... pretty clear...

digging up dirt or sharing personal info will not help the seller get his money back... I would suggest talking to the post master at the post office from where you live... mail fraud can be defined many ways and you as a seller of goods used the USPS as type of delivery... that should entitle you to the mail fraud protection since you did not receive agreed payment for your goods... mail fraud if investigated will not only give the seller a chance to get his money back but most likely would involve a large fine and/or jail esp if the fine is not paid.. not local law but would fall under federal laws...


Starting Player
I just spoke to the Saratoga Springs Police Department. I tried to file a larceny report. Unfortunately they will not let me do so because I am out of state. They requested Robert Bikowitz file the report since he is the resident. If Robert doesn't have the bat then filing a report should not be an issue. If someone was stealing packages from my front doorstep I would definitely want to pursue it. They informed me there May be some local businesses or residents with surveillance cameras and they may be able to obtain some video footage. They informed me that the cameras are more and more common and have done so many times in the situations. They said between the PD and the postmaster they might be able to find out something. At the very least they may be able to find the bat in a local pawnshop or something of that nature.

You up filing a report Bob and sending the case number and info?

Or like stated above the bat being stolen from the buyers property isn't the sellers problem and the seller should be paid. Is that easier for you Bob?


Hardcore since '84
I've been up all night hitting refresh every 10 seconds. Riveting stuff. I vote it was the unknown tweaker who now has the girls bat.


Starting Player
I have spoken to the USPS again. They have directed me to the USPS Inspeators Dept. to file a mail fraud claim. Which unless Slugger files a police report I will be following through with.

Silverslugger's silence speaks volumes, or maybe he is still sleeping from staying up late last night taking down his Linked In and tightening up his Facebook account.

We did some Google earth searches and have found several outside security cameras the police could access to check the footage. Traffic cameras near his location, a Dominos pizza across the street and a school down the block all have a lot of outside cameras.

It's all about principle now, I enjoy the SBF and take pride in my name and dignity. I am merely defending my honor on this site and dis put the claim of being an alleged scammer. Slugger will probably never respond, shut down his user name and create a new one and start all over again.

At the very least Shipper beware sending items to Silverslugger7... Your package may be stolen by a vagrant, homeless person, tweeker or Slugger himself.

I advise everyone to request a signature from now on when shipping any item to anyone no matter what the feedback is. my down fall was putting trust in a complete stranger and society.
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Addicted to Softballfans
I agree... unless someone has proof anything else has happened... the facts of this deal are getting clouded up... tempers are raising and frustration of the situation does not help...

it is clear that the seller sent the bat to the buyer... USPS has confirmed the delivery was made... seller should get his money... the seller should not be responsible for theft from buyers property... pretty clear...

digging up dirt or sharing personal info will not help the seller get his money back... I would suggest talking to the post master at the post office from where you live... mail fraud can be defined many ways and you as a seller of goods used the USPS as type of delivery... that should entitle you to the mail fraud protection since you did not receive agreed payment for your goods... mail fraud if investigated will not only give the seller a chance to get his money back but most likely would involve a large fine and/or jail esp if the fine is not paid.. not local law but would fall under federal laws...

Agreed.. Digging up (dirt) on someone's past family issues is irrelevant at least to me it is.. So sticking to what's going on within this deal is where attention should stay...

And yes DO5 as much as it is or isn't on you possibly you can do as stillballin suggests.. Get ahold of the postmaster since the pd will not help you in this situation to see if they can/are willing to help since it is a federal offense to steal mail..


Voted '15 Mod of the Year
Dugout, file a claim with USPS. If they think they delivered to his house, they will investigate and could come after him. That's why you bought insurance. Posting pictures of his house, harassing his family and having your buddies threaten people will not be tolerated and can lead to you getting in trouble also. Not sure what he may have had in his personal life, but he has perfect feedback here and never had an issue. I understand you are frustrated as you trusted him based on this feedback, but please go about things the correct way. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know, but use the facts and knowledge you have to get to the bottom. Police will get involved if USPS presses charges.

I don't know what really happened and not defending anyone here, but stuff is stolen from porches often. It seems to increase daily, hence why I have a camera that looks at my door. We have dealt with it numerous times over the years here, but how SS7 is handling it is on par with how we have handled here at SBF (minus the threats and name calling). It's on the seller to get the bat to the buyers hands. Insurance and delivery/signature confirmation is to protect yourself.