My new hero...9 home runs in a row.


Star Player
Maybe he was using it in a little league park hitting golfballs. Or maybe it was pure sarcasm.


Place Clever Title Here
7 in a row is my highest during games. 9 can be done. They pitch underhand so it's pretty easy imo ;)


Senior Bra Fitter
He's sponsored by Miken...he feels obligated to sell some bats for them. Just a little over zealous on this one. I was expecting to read..."You see that mountain over there? I used this new 2012 Miken Freak Plus (with the new stamp on it, AND on sale now for $199 at the SBF store) and hit a ball right over it!"


Addicted to Softballfans
If he hit 9 in a row the first time he used it... I would check him for mexican performance enhancers;)


Addicted to Softballfans


Bigger than the game.
My question is why is he playing D if he hits 9 bombs in a row? How many you get in D nowadays?????

single wally

Professional Amateur
my personal best is 5 in a row out, with 9/10 out.......

in a metal co-rec league on a field with a short porch. :cool:


Star Player
HR are over rated I bat left handed and can hit the long ball with anybody but nothing tickles me more than Burning the third base man or the left fielder.
P.S. Miken for life


RAGE and Softball meet!
after two or three...any pitcher worth a damn would walk you. I cry BS. Ive never gotten a chance to swing past my third.


I am not easily amazed by feats accomplished in a recreational sport, but a dude on my team hit hit 6 or 7 in a row(it was 5 or 6 years ago I forget)in a 1 pitch unlimited arc tourney. I was impressed.