Other NFHS Fastpitch Rule


FP Daddy
Heard this over the weekend. A pitcher who has the grunt/squeal when she pitches was told by the umpire to either stop or she would be ejected.

I have looked in the rule book where they said it was, but I see no rule against it.

The pitcher in question does however grunt/squeal well after her release, closer to when the catcher has the ball.

Anyway if you have any clarification let me know.



Well-Known Member
The NFHS Rules Book can be difficult to read at times.

What you are looking for is covered under Rule 6.3, Article 8. If the umpire feels that what the pitcher is doing is an attempt to distract the hitter, illegal pitch s/b declared.


Well-Known Member

6.2 Art.8
It is an illegal pitch if any fielder takes a position in the batter's line of vision or, with deliberate unsporting intent, acts in a manner to distract the batter. A pitch does not have to be released.

The verbalization by the pitcher could be viewed as deliberate unsporting intent. The penalty is the standard for an illegal pitch. Ball is dead, ball on the batter & any runners are advanced one base. The rule book does not call for a game ejection but I guess it could be done in extreme cases, although I wouldn't do it.


A lot of girls grunt while pitching, especially on a fastball. Nothing new here. It's not unsportsmanlike. It may not be "ladylike," but certainly not unsportsmanlike.

As long as she doesn't grunt as the pitch reaches the plate, I'm not worrying about it.