Official 2012 Result of Your Last AB


<font color="#CD0000">Bleeding Crimson</font>
HR that wasn't over the RC wall....too bad we had our limit already. :mad:

Wasn't even trying to hit it out, just trying to get a poke to RF. Da-hamn that 08 Flex is on FIRE!! :eek:

(For all you haters that say it isn't as good as the OG)

im over 2k hits and mine isnt, when should i expect


Starting Player
Dropped my hands and foul tipped one onto the net above the backstop. The only thing it is good for is catching crappy balls like that, several foul tips flew right over it and into the bleachers. I hit about 6 other times, 5 for singles and once was a major league popup that got me caught out. Very last one sucked though. Probably trying way too hard since the game was close. Easy come easy go.


I may just need to get S&L to do the most obnoxious bright "gold" *yellow* pants they can make, embroider your name on them and ship them over there haha. Sounds like you need a new pair.