I have more DBO than you!
You really have know what bat is comfortable for you to start. For example. I love the Miken Freak 12 back in the day. Spec was 27oz/12in Barrel/.5 enload. That being said....senior bats that was close to that spec and that I swing are Suncoast Melee Diamond 2pc 12" barrel 26.5, Suncoast Melee Max 2 Senior Softball Bat 2-pc 12″ 1/2oz End Load, and 2023 Miken JB Ultra 27oz 1/2 oz endload. I have more control with Suncoast but have sick pop with the Ultra. Suncoast tested at 180 after 3-4 years and Ultra tested at 140ish after 1 year. Hope that helps.