For Trade Find these Andersons a good home


Active Member

I'm looking to move these into some hands of guys that will actually use them.

I'm no longer playing in metal league(s) to need this arsenal and really not playing enough in general. I'm definitely keeping one of the OGRTs and maybe the RTFP since it's dented, but I'd definitely move the rest.

I'm not really looking for anything in particular...

28oz Nanotek - perfectly round, low # of hits GONE
29oz Techzilla GONE
28oz OG Rockettech - amazing shape. no dents, waves, or anything.
27oz OG Rockettech - my gamer, but still only a small wave, likely the one I'll keep
27oz OG Techzilla - no dents, waves, or anything GONE
25oz OG Rockettech Fastpitch - dented and wavy, smoking hot
32oz Titanium Rockettech - wavy, but awesome


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in your face nancy grace
Do you still have the 28oz RT and the 32oz rtti? Any interest in trading either one (or both) for a 30oz ssr1 or 27oz dc psycho?