Miller's lifting log


Addicted to Softballfans
6/13/14 Deadlifts
Deadlift 220x3, 255x3, 285x3+(did 6 reps)
Back extensions: BW 5x12
Box stepups: w/25lb DBs 4x10

Core circuit
Treadmill: 15 minutes of rolling hills at 10:00 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
6/16/14 Chest Press
Flat Bench 205x5; 235x3; 260x1+ (did 6 reps)
DB press 60 4x15
Wide grip lat pulldown 160 5x10

Core circuit: 4x25 of regular crunches & reverse crunches
Intervals: 20 min total
- 1st mile: alternate 1min @8:00 pace, 1min @10:00 pace
- after that alternate 1min @6:40 pace, 1min @ 12:30 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
6/17/14 Squats
Hack Squat: 305x5, 345x3, 385x1+ (did 8 reps)
Leg press: 360 4x15
Leg curl: 160 5x10

Core circuit: 4x25 roman chair leg raises, stability ball crunches, 4x10 ab wheel roll outs
Intervals: 20 min total
- 1st mile: alternate 1 min @7:30 pace, 1 min @10:00 pace
- after that alternate 1 min @ 6:40 pace, 1 min @ 12:30 pace


Watching baseball somewhere
Looks like you are keeping up with the workouts pretty well. Looking at your program, what is it you are trying to do with the workout? Not trying to be a jerk, just curious.....

Also, assuming you play softball, since this is a softball website, might want to consider some more rotational core work into the routine.


Addicted to Softballfans
trying my best, rolled my ankle the other night so didn't get in the gym yesterday or today though. Thanks for the advice on the rotational core stuff, I try to do some of that as well, but it slips the mind sometimes. I know woodchoppers are good ones.

As far as the workout, I'm shooting for the workout unicorn of losing a little weight while minimizing loss of strength/mass. I would like to add more size, but don't want to lose mobility, ability to run decent distance, so I'm trying to lose some weight before doing so. With my schedule I try to workout at lunch, which gives me about an hour in the gym. So when i read up on the 5/3/1, it seemed to be quick and effective for at least maintaining by doing the critical lifts and supplementing with minimal assistance work. So I'm doing that and coupling intervals in to try and aid in the weight loss. Maybe it's a dumb plan?


Addicted to Softballfans
6/23/14 Chest Press
Deload week
Flat Bench 110x5; 140x5; 165x5; did these as negatives
DB press 60 4x15
Wide grip lat pulldown 180 2x12; 160 2x12
Hammer curls 40 4x12
Tricep pulldown 140 4x12

Core circuit: 4x25 of regular crunches & woodchoppers (60lb); 4x1min plank
Intervals: 20 min total
- 1st mile: start at 10:00 pace, increase 0.5 level ever 2 minutes
- after that alternate 1min @6:40 pace, 1min @ 12:30 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
6/24/14 Squats
Hack Squat: 160x5, 205x5, 245x5
Leg press: 360 4x15
Leg curl: 160 2x10, 175 3x10

Core circuit: 4x25 russian ab twists, stability ball crunches, cable crunches (110lb)
Intervals: 20 min total
- 1st mile: start at 10:00 pace, increase 0.5 level ever 2 minutes
- after that alternate 1min @6:40 pace, 1min @ 12:30 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
played 1.5 hours of tennis - getting back into the swing of things!

6/26/14 Press
Superset Standing shoulder press 80x5, 100x5, 120x5 & barbell curls 80x12, 100x10, 120x6
Superset Dips: BW 6x10 & OH tri cable press 150 6x10
Superset Wide grip & close grip lat pulldown: 160 4x12 & ez bar curls 100 4x12
Core circuit


Addicted to Softballfans
6/27/17 Deadlifts
Sumo Deadlift 130x5; 160x5, 190x5
Back extensions BW 4x12
Box stepups 25lb DBs 3x12 each leg

Intervals 20 min
-1st mile: start @ 10:00 pace, increase 0.5 level every 2 mins
- after that alternate 1 min @ 6:40 pace, 1 min @ 12:00 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
6/30/14 Chest Press
Flat Bench 185x5; 215x5; 240x5+(did 13 reps)
DB press 60 4x15
Wide grip lat pulldown 160 1x12; 180 x12/10/10

Core circuit: 4x25 of reverse crunches, woodchoppers (60lb), weighted cable crunches (120lb)
Intervals: 20 min total
- 1st mile: start at 10:00 pace, increase 0.5 level ever 2 minutes
- after that alternate 1min @6:40 pace, 1min @ 12:00 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
7/1/14 Squats
Hack Squat: 270x5, 310x5, 360x5+(did 10)
Leg press: 360 4x15
Leg curl: 160 1x10, 175 4x10

Core circuit: 4x25 russian ab twists, roman chair leg lifts
Treadmill: 20 min total
- start at 10:30 pace, increase 0.5 level every 2 minutes up to 7:00 pace, then back down - 2.25 miles total


Addicted to Softballfans
7/3/14 Press
Standing shoulder press 135x5, 155x5, 175x4
Dips: BW 6x10
Medium & Close grip lat pulldown: 160 5x12

Intervals: 20 min total
- 1st mile: alternate 1 min @7:30 pace, 1 min @10:00 pace
- after that alternate 1 min @ 6:40 pace, 1 min @ 12:00 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
7/6/14 Deadlifts
Double overhand grip 215x5, 245x5, 280x5+(did 10)
Back extensions BW 5x12
Stairclimbers 8 minutes @ 60-90 steps/min, double steps


Addicted to Softballfans
7/7/14 Chest Press
Flat Bench: 200x3, 230x3, 260x3+(did 9 reps)
DB press: 60 4x15
Wide grip lat pulldown: 180 5x10
Superset close grip preacher curls 70 3x12 & DB tricep extensions 35 3x12

Intervals: 20 min total
- 1st mile: start at 10:00 pace, increase 0.5 level ever 2 minutes
- after that alternate 1min @6:40 pace, 1min @ 12:00 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
7/8/14 Squats
Hack Squat: 295x3, 335x3, 375x3+(did 10)
Leg press: 360 4x15
Leg curl: 175 5x10

Core circuit: 4x25 roman chair leg lifts, stability ball crunches, woodchoppers (60lbs)
Treadmill: 20 min total
- 1st 10:00 walked at 15:00 pace alternating between 5% and 10% incline
- 2nd 10:00 ran at 10:00 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
7/10/14 Press
Standing shoulder press 135x3, 155x3, 175x3+(did 5 reps)
Dips: BW 6x10
Medium & Close grip lat pulldown: 160 6x10
Superset: hammer curls 35lb DBs 3x15 and OH cable tri ext 130 3x15

Intervals: 20 min total
- 1st 10:00: start at level 6, increasing .5 level every 2 mins
- after that alternate 1 min @ 6:40 pace, 1 min @ 12:00 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
7/11/14 Deadlifts
Double overhand grip 235x3, 260x3, 295x3+ (did 8 reps)
Superset:Straight leg deadlift 135lb 5x10 & box stepups with 25lb DB 5x10

Core circuit
Treadmill: 20 min total
- 1st 10:00 walked at 15:00 pace alternating between 5% and 10% incline
- 2nd 10:00 ran at 9:30 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
7/14/14 Chest Press
Flat Bench 215*5, 245x3, 270x1+(6 reps)
Superset of DB press 60 4x15 and Wide grip lat pulldown 160 4x15
Superset of close grip bench 185 4x12 and ez bar curls 80 4x10

Treadmill: 20 min
-1st 10:00 start at level 6.0, increase 0.5 every 2:00
- after that alternating 1min @ 6:40 pace and 1min @ 12:00 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
7/15/14 Squats
Hack Squat: 310x5, 355x3, 395x3+1(did 8)
Leg press: 360 4x15
Leg curl: 175 4x15

Core circuit: 4x25 roman chair leg lifts, regular crunches & legs up crunches, russian twists
Treadmill: 20 min total
- 1st 10:00 walked at 15:00 pace alternating between 5% and 10% incline
- then ran 1 mile @ 8:30 pace


Addicted to Softballfans
7/18/14 Deadlifts
Double overhand grip 245x5, 275x3, 310x1+ (did 5 reps)
tweaked my back on the last set so decided to call it quits for the day
Core circuit


Addicted to Softballfans
7/22/14 Chest Press deload week
Bench press negatives: 115x5, 145x5, 175x5
Hammer strength iso chest (single arm): 45 4x15
Standing bent forward lat pulldown: 120 4x15
Superset: preacher curl 80 3x12 and dumbbell tri extensions 40 3x12

Core Circuit: stability ball crunches 4x25, cable crunch (100) 4x25
Treadmill: 20 min
- start at level 5.5 increase 0.5 every 2 min
- once at level 7.5 hold pace for 1 mile
- decrease 1.0 level every 2 min


Extra Hitter
You seem to be all over the place on reps & exercises. Is there a reason why your doing it the way you do? Not being a douche, but just curious.

Why not a 4 day split like… Cardio for 20min after weights
Mon: Chest/Bi’s (2 sets of 8-12reps bi workout)/abs
Tues: Back/Tri’s
Wed: Off or active rest
Thurs: Shoulder/abs
Fri: Legs/forearms

Typ Chest day: (if bulking switch to 4 x 6-8)
Incline: 4 x 10-12
Superset: Alt Curls 3 x 10-12
Flat: 4 x 10-12
Superset: Preacher Curls 3 x 10-12
Dips: 4 x Failure (bodyweight)
Flyes: 3 x 10-12
..or pyramid sets 8-12


Addicted to Softballfans
No problem Fuzz. Actually not all over the place, it's the 5/3/1 system which centers around 4 main lifts (chest press, shoulder press, squats, deadlifts) and then assistance work that goes along with it. For the press days, it's suggested to have a pulling exercise as part of the assistance. It is a 4 day/week workout plan and I have been sticking to it really well and have seen good results, especially with doing the cardio intervals as well. I did the 4 day split stuff for awhile, but over the past 8 weeks have seen more improvements with the 5/3/1 system than anything else.


Addicted to Softballfans
Core circuit: variation of crunches and russian twists
Treadmill: 30 min - 3.25mi total
- start at level 6.0, increase 1.0 every 3 min for first 9 min
- intervals of level 5.5 and 8.5 for 9 min
- start at level 8.0, decrease 1.0 every 3 min for last 9 min
- cooldown