No Pics, No Thread


An Admin
Staff member
Effective October 31, 2013, any threads found without pictures have been deleted on sight, This will include all previously posted threads before October 31st. If it is bumped up and we see it after it is in effect we will delete the thread. This 'zero-tolerance' policy regarding pics will continue for the foreseeable future, so warm up those digital cameras and cell phone cameras. To be clear, pics are required of the actual item(s) you are selling. If you are selling multiples of the thing then we need to see a picture of every one. It is neither sufficient nor clever to post stock images from the Internet or images of items 'similar' to the ones you are selling. It is not the responsibility of the moderation team to show you how to post images, attach images using the forum software, or read this thread Such responsibilities are yours and yours alone. While it is alright to post a link to your images - perhaps a photobucket photo album - if the link becomes dead, your thread is then in violation of the rule and is subject to deletion.

All pictures must contain a piece of paper with the seller's username and date written clearly and legibly. If we can't read it, it isn't there. If the username and date is not clearly visible in the photo, the thread will be deleted on sight.

A couple of notes. First and foremost, a picture of your item is required at the time you post your thread. Secondly - and this is a lesson lost on too many people for inexplicable reasons - the purpose of this rule is not to let us see what the item looks like. "I'd post pics, but I think we all know what these look like" is asinine. Yes, we probably know what a Synergy looks like. But we don't know what your Synergy look like, so post 'em up.

Finally, pics in your avatar and/or signature do not count. If you got the pics into your signature, you can get the pics into your post. Signatures and avatars are often changed without any regard to previous posts made in reference to them, so at any time, your thread can be left in violation of the posted For Sale Rules. Besides, many members have Signatures and/or Avatars turned off in their User Control Panels. Please post your pics in the original post.


An Admin
Staff member
If you see a thread that needs pics please post "#missingpics" in a reply on the thread to help us find the threads needing pics.


Addicted to Softballfans
I have been trying to post pictures on a thread for a bat that I am trying to sell, but can't. Dumb question, how do you post pictures.
Effective October 31, 2013, any threads found without pictures have been deleted on sight, This will include all previously posted threads before October 31st. If it is bumped up and we see it after it is in effect we will delete the thread. This 'zero-tolerance' policy regarding pics will continue for the foreseeable future, so warm up those digital cameras and cell phone cameras. To be clear, pics are required of the actual item(s) you are selling. If you are selling multiples of the thing then we need to see a picture of every one. It is neither sufficient nor clever to post stock images from the Internet or images of items 'similar' to the ones you are selling. It is not the responsibility of the moderation team to show you how to post images, attach images using the forum software, or read this thread Such responsibilities are yours and yours alone. While it is alright to post a link to your images - perhaps a photobucket photo album - if the link becomes dead, your thread is then in violation of the rule and is subject to deletion.

All pictures must contain a piece of paper with the seller's username and date written clearly and legibly. If we can't read it, it isn't there. If the username and date is not clearly visible in the photo, the thread will be deleted on sight.

A couple of notes. First and foremost, a picture of your item is required at the time you post your thread. Secondly - and this is a lesson lost on too many people for inexplicable reasons - the purpose of this rule is not to let us see what the item looks like. "I'd post pics, but I think we all know what these look like" is asinine. Yes, we probably know what a Synergy looks like. But we don't know what your Synergy look like, so post 'em up.

Finally, pics in your avatar and/or signature do not count. If you got the pics into your signature, you can get the pics into your post. Signatures and avatars are often changed without any regard to previous posts made in reference to them, so at any time, your thread can be left in violation of the posted For Sale Rules. Besides, many members have Signatures and/or Avatars turned off in their User Control Panels. Please post your pics in the original post.

Yo it's 2017 why in the world does softball fans still not let you upload pictures from you phone? How can the picture still be "too large" to upload? It's 2017, lets go softballfans get with the program


Well-Known Member
It's 2017, how do you not know how to use 3rd party pic hosting sites like imgur?