Total control weighted balls


Well-Known Member
Should I be using composites with these? I’ve been using a singlewall because I don’t trust using my gamers against a 16oz ball. Guys on my team said they use their gamers all the time with these.


Active Member
I've never seen one cause an issue. If you're worried about it, don't use them, or don't take full swings.


Well-Known Member
I've used my bats with them without issue. However, I could see the weight of the balls becoming an issue with 2 piece bats. for that reason, I use my Easton Torpedo or an old metal bat nowadays.


Well-Known Member
I like those balls, no pun intended. :) Loosens up my arm and I always hit better when I warm up with them. great for tournament days when space is limited and you need to stay loose during long layoffs.