SBF Etiquette and lower traffic numbers


Big Truss
Its cool, I enjoyed re-reading me taking jbo on a field trip to the SBF museum, where we learned that didn't used to live on reservations, we used to roam wild and free.


Active Member
Its cool, I enjoyed re-reading me taking jbo on a field trip to the SBF museum, where we learned that didn't used to live on reservations, we used to roam wild and free.
I agree. In regards to the lounge, that is a very different atmosphere and there is a "true lounger". Things have def changed in the time I was gone. I had to laugh when I saw some of the names brought up.


Big Truss
What post is that? I don't want to reread.
Start at post #254 and read the back and forth.

I stayed in my lane for the most part. I only have firsthand knowledge of the site from the vantage point of a lounge rat. But not being able to monetize all those visitors and page views, yeesh. By analogy, you had an orange grove on top of an oil field, and shooed away the tanker trucks because some old lady that buys 2 oranges every day complained about the noise.


Grow up
your memory and accounts of all that has occurred is truly ****ing impressive

**** jbo btw, he will never admit to such, but he got run


Certified Trap Hoe
I have come and gone as I have felt . Sometime thing do and did get viscous. But then Lou told me to hit them with a flower.......


Up and Over
Speaking from the perspective of someone who ALMOST NEVER visited the Lounge...

Anarchists and Authoritarians both have the ability to destroy the freedom enjoyed by the 80% who just want to enjoy the central purpose of the site - one destroys by inappropriately flaunting the law (or rules) and the other destroys when they heavy-handedly apply of the law (or rules) beyond the trouble-makers.

Both sides are driven by the burr that is posited by the other side - To make it worse, when some folks who are near the edge (but not over it, yet), sees the examples of others, they can be enticed by that to just step on over the line.

In this kind of war, there are atrocities on both sides, because both sides continue to push the extremes to make their point. And now, the more anyone (from either side) continues to cook up the story, with one sided perceptions and sometimes outright distortions, the longer and deeper the burr gets set in the butt of the other side.

The current effort to leach as much financial gain as possible off any internet site with great traffic may not have been the vision of the SBF owners. At the time, the forums were presented as a 'service' to the softball community, with a clear, if understated, expectation that the community would first try to support the SBF store, before heading elsewhere.

The SBF website created the potential of much commaraderie across the nation - and achieved that in a number of ways, including the various tournaments it engendered and the local SBF teams that were created.

The personal attacks, CONSTANT snide remarks & escalating insults became part of nearly every thread in the open forum (which behavior would almost never be tolerated on a real softball team). Even if they were meant to be funny or done just in jest, they ruined the tone and purpose of those threads. I, like many others, lost interest in even opening threads that initially appeared of interest, because it was assured that it would denigrate into the inane bickering of 5-year-old's behavior.

So - less traffic, indeed. For a number of reasons (good or bad).

It is difficult for any internet group to be moderated into civility. It needs to be populated by civil people who are willing to self-moderate and are not too squimish to allow the moderators to ban those who are unwilling to stay within the lines.

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Well-Known Member
you wrote all that and forgot to mention this **** should be expected from a lowly white trash game such as slow pitch softball


P-Pumpah #1
Nearly every "real" softball team I was on had any number of the following: "personal attacks, CONSTANT snide remarks & escalating insults"

if I don't see this type of behavior on any team I'm on I don't even feel comfortable. the **** talking is what I love about the game. if my buddy/team mate pop up or hit easy rollers to the IF u think imma tell em "next time"? no imma say they suck ass and to bring their sister/mom next game to play for them.