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  • Since when have you become a moderator? Can look someone up for me? His screen name is yzs4tony1.. he sold a one.12 with a kti stamp on it and I am trying to find out who he is..
    hey brotha.i played 3rd for jokers this wknd and with alm in playing u boys this weekend. that gsr was sick...and looked sick as well.
    I asked you a quest amonth or so ago about my 91 lumina starting and running fine. The when it was warmed up it started to sputter and not start. And the problem ended up being a coil pack.Thanks-Phil
    Beej, I have a question. Where is the Blower motor located on a 1991 Chevy Lumina. I dont come on here to often....if you have time can u email me an anwser??? If not just PM heat is there but it isnt blowing!!LOL [email protected]
    So where the hell did you get these? You steal them from some kid on the first day of school? :) How ya been Man?
    Hey bud - just returing to ASA softball after 4 year illness. Played "C" level. Wondering the the new J2 is as hot as the pre 09 bats and how it hits the mush balls. Any info is GREATLY APPRECIATED. I am a hard line drive hitter with occasional power. Is it as hot as the Miken Recoil or the new DeMarinis The One or RD28? THANKS for your response bud.
    Tell you what, send me your address and i'll get the bat tou you. Send me a nice hoodie or something someday. Sound good?
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