Recent content by bigbrew

  1. bigbrew

    Killerbay is GTG dude? Why do you act like you are our friend, then $hit on everyone? If you are so concerned with the mavsrule deal and your rep, why don't you fix it yourself? It's funny how some are willing to sacrifice friends and throw them under the bus just to salvage themselves from the...
  2. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    Yeah, it is a little chilly... madsunz - you telling me that a degree is a waste of money, tells me that you will never know what retirement is, nor do you know your arse from a whole in the ground. It further reinforces my theory of your ignorance...;)
  3. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    You are just downright stupid...I just treat the morons on here like this...well you and the losers that I kick out of the bar. :)
  4. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    What's up, you crazy Hawaiian/Native American/whatever the hell you are!! :D
  5. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    For what?! Scot Terry is not Alan Frost....I don't know where that came from. That's not the name he used at the tourny. :confused:
  6. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    Your location tells me plenty about your stupid arse...Ya hoser! :rolleyes: :eek:
  7. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    I'm sure there is higher education on here, I don't doubt that. That comment was directed at the losers that were bashing my college...:cool:
  8. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    Wow. I'm impressed y'all came up with blow job college all by yourselves. :rolleyes: What a bunch of retards(my language has been restricted by the website, go figure). I go to Blinn College, about to transfer into Texas A&M to work on my masters degree in engineering. What is it you ***gots do...
  9. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    So, basically, you are fabricating something? Or do you not know how to use the functions on this message board? Maybe it's telepathy....I never saw him post that...:cool:
  10. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    I agree....who spoke of hearsay earlier?
  11. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    news to me. I didn't know anything about that. :confused:
  12. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    Why don't you go post in some other thread.....unless you have some insight on the situation...:cool:
  13. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    look, moron, I'm trying to get this crap cleared up. Do you want me to tell y'all what I'm being told or not?! I'm just relaying info, not fabricating it. So you can eat feces for all I care...
  14. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    My apologies AU, I was mis-informed...:cool:
  15. bigbrew

    Official Mavsrule owes us thread

    No, they will attack your credit if you don't bring the funds back up to a $0 balance. I've had it happen to me.