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  • bro, just been lifting weight like crazy! you still on your diet? have you lost more weight or what! bw safe this year, and miss all you guys a **** ton! i tried to call you and dave. PM me you and daves phone numbers
    bro i have been working and thats about it. dave is fine. gonna play in gtown tmorow with some team jst wanna get some cuts in. the z is the **** bro i got 2 of them and probaly gonna pick up one more. the salvo has got super hott as well. drop 6 bombs in 2 games with it last week. hows the family. hope you are safe and will be happy when you get back
    hey "assjockey", what ya been doing? how do you like your Z? hows big dave? talk to me ***** boy! what ya been doing for F sakes
    bro the z is the dabombbanga it is the best bat i have ever swung. playing with terrys team now brought over a bunch of my players. the salvo banged out five hrs thursday night. my swing has finally started to come back and my timing is improving everyday. give me a holla and be safe
    jabo is already down in gtown bro, but thanks man! his mom went to some bday deal with her gals from work. i miss yall man, and when the phone situation gets worked out illl call ya, im staying in kuwait this time. who ya playing with this weekend and how is you Z turning out??????
    im just glad ur dumbass gotta mask! iwas tired of seein you catch balls in teeth and not in glove. though it did improve ur face. shall we win this weekend
    We didnt marry woman who like softball mike because we are dumb men and that would be to easy to be sitting in the house and ur ol'lady be like you wanna go bp, come home and i polish ur bat. Wayyyyy to easy
    i finally realize why you umpire!, so you can have a positive influence on somebodies softball team, sucka
    game time hero u arent, bp all-star you r. young jedi when u embrace the force in the game and not for play, is when you, jedi you will become.........
    mike lets just practice holding on to the bat so you dont almost end my life again. YES HE HIT ME BUT I SURVIVED THIS TIME, sssshiiit bag
    "BIGSHINBRUISE" I KNOW I'M NOT THE SMARTEST MAN!!but i bet you wish you woulda listened to me when i said that tourney would suck and to get a FACE MASK AND SHIN GAURDS, LOL BIG SHIN BRUISE, GOOD NAME
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