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  • Totally agree with u on the 2009 Titan review. I have one with who knows how many cuts on it and it out hits my 454 Resmondo Titan and cartel. The webbing looks insane I just don't know how long until it will break. I hope it never does!
    DUDE U SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!.......bro i am hater that strongly goes by your reveiews, man they are always dead on!!!!!!! hey keep up the great job!!!! i really dont by anything too tuff unless i see your name on it !!!!!
    Thanks again
    I strongly recommend anything out of the new Worth 2013 ASA line. They are all super hot and break in fast. The BJ FULK Mayhem ASA is the best ASA bat I have hit in some time.
    I would love to try out the Z1000, but I haven't even been able to try out the two "new to me" bats that I got (26oz the One .12 & 27oz SSR2). I've been in either a splint or walking boots since the day I bought the first One. I bought it in the morning and saw the Dr in the morning. I really value your reviews because, from what I read, you're sort of the same hitter as me. Similar builds, except now I've become rounder in the mid-section. Both line drive hitters, finding the holes in the defense. I've read good things about the Z, especially with the balls we're using seeming to become softer. Maybe I'll try to get a Z, if I don't like my two "new" bats. But, I think I'll like 'em if, I'm to believe your reviews :). Sorry my post was so long.
    I was messing around just reading some reviews on whatever bat I tapped. I look down and guess who wrote the review? Man, just can't get away. Good stuff though. Very insightful.
    Hi Dub. Just wanted your opinion. I saw that you reviewed both the recoil and the ssr2. I have a recoil, 28oz, hits well but I feel it’s too heavy for me. I also use an 08 synergy extended, 26oz. Hits well also, but feels not as hard off the bat. I feel like I can place the ball better with the synergy. I’m more of a place a line drive hitter, but occasionally like to try to hit it over the outfielders heads (when they play too shallow). I’ve been looking at a 26 or 27oz SSR2 or a 26oz balanced recoil. Which do you think would be the better choice. Thanks for your time.
    Dub! Been reading your posts and reviews for awhile. I tend to agree with almost everything you've put up. So I feel safe asking you....I'm a BIG MASHER...I've hit 400' a few times with a stock SSR2 and 44/375 balls. LOVE the SSR2! But I am waiting for a return on another cracked one and they're sending the new SSR4. What should I expect? I'm not a fan of endload. I just don't benefit from it. I recently purchased an SCN17 for the Utrip league in the Fall and it just FEELS way to endloaded. Maybe I should work a bunch of swings and get used to the 17??? What should I expect from the SSR4??? Love to hear your thoughts! Thanks bud.
    The more new bats I hit, the more I think these "pre-ABI" fanatics are nuts. They break down to two kinds of people. Type A) Bat hoarders desperate to keep the market up on $300+ used, no return bats. Type B) The customers who spend $300+ on old used bats (that were designed to hit higher cor, higher comp balls no less) and have to justify said action. The 98mph standard hasn't changed since 2004, top bats from '04-'08 exceeded the standard on the field, and new top bats currently do the same. Bats from the 2000-2004 era are a different story.
    Pre ABI, Post ABI, who really cares? A hot bat is a hot bat. There are several new ASA bats that easily approach the old standard. Not ASA Velocite Ultra or ASA Freak style. Maybe not even SCX3, '05 MAY98 or Recoil 250 class, but in the 98mph+/-2 category for sure.

    Any of the following:

    1 Z1000 ASA BA/EL (Insane exit speed for ASA. Want carry, go EL. BA can still tear cover off ball)
    2 One .12 (Not crazy forgiving to swing, must swing well/hard. Slightly endloaded/counterbalanced swing. Very powerful. Will hit bombs.)
    3 2012 Mayhem98 (Can hit lazers, rockets and bombs. Give it 300 hits.)
    4 One MLC (Forgiving, for those who like slight endload. Very hot)
    5 Stealth SSR2/SSR4 27 (Hard to miss hit, very hot barrel. 27 whips like a slight EL.)
    6 Afflicted FL (Wildly unforgiving for a comp. Super hot, maybe more than the above. Oz or two up.)
    7 454 Toxic (Takes a bit to break in. Nice swing, gets some nice distance.)
    Is it just me, or does a bat review of 1 reflect more on the reviewer than the bat?
    I rate ASA bats within the context of bats overall. Not just against themselves. That means a 7 or 8 for an ASA bat might not be bad.*** For a point of reference...I have noticed that with ASA bats about 290 is really nice distance for me, I can hit them 295-310, but with consistency 280-290 on low trajectory line drives. 100mph+ bats usually add 15-20 feet. And this is with a game friendly swing and approach.
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