HITTS Jul 9, 2010 Ronn050 Come play in the Combatants West Coast Tourney 10-2-2010. See post in COMbat thread.
rusl5 Apr 27, 2010 Hey man do you have a white combat visor with the navy C ? If you do I want one, just let me know and Ill get you the funds.
Hey man do you have a white combat visor with the navy C ? If you do I want one, just let me know and Ill get you the funds.
nomar1fan Aug 25, 2009 Hey I can't find the rec. for the patches sorry - what I did was go online, searched for patch companies and got a couple of estimates. If i come across the name on i'll let you know - sorry not much help.
Hey I can't find the rec. for the patches sorry - what I did was go online, searched for patch companies and got a couple of estimates. If i come across the name on i'll let you know - sorry not much help.
semperfi Jun 10, 2009 Hey did u ever see about the program for i can edit and draw up designs on fhe comp..i need something to be able to design another shirt
Hey did u ever see about the program for i can edit and draw up designs on fhe comp..i need something to be able to design another shirt
A A a32axo May 12, 2009 interested in tourney if its still going on how do i register for it, im a couple of players away from a team, give me the info.
interested in tourney if its still going on how do i register for it, im a couple of players away from a team, give me the info.
CHOOLY_#14 Mar 11, 2009 actually i think i would like the white/royal 9's. just gotta sell a bat to get some $$ so i cant garuntee anything yet
actually i think i would like the white/royal 9's. just gotta sell a bat to get some $$ so i cant garuntee anything yet
semperfi Mar 9, 2009 Danny hit anmother one out with his ds he has 5 hits and 2 homers....where were you yesterday