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  • Ya I've heard lots of stories about you. Gonzo likes to tell stories so I'm not sure I should believe them all. I played with Guys also but when Guy's health started to turn for the worst, that team went down hill. He just didnt have the control he use too, and he started to pick up bunch of trouble makers, for what I dont know. Anyways were you at? Would like to catch up with you at a AMMO Bowl one of these days!
    Hey man Im quite the Worth fan myself. Of all your bats which one would you say you like the best?
    I sure do, so far have put about 120 hits on it.. the weather has not been to great over here. Bat hass some good pop and hits sizzles through the infield.
    How about the SNOT you like?
    just received the bat bro.. now if it would only stop raining long enough for me to do some BP with it... I will leave great feedback for you once you receive the bat i sent.
    Hey Mikey,

    Yep that's the Wolfpack of 04 unis. Yea I'm playing with DK and Kid (No Skillz). DK is off to school for a while now. How are things going for you??
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