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  • hey man thanks for the offer, but i am actually playing already. what team/division you playin?
    Sorry Bro I was on the road. I do have Balls I have 44/525 If you go thru a lot of gloves I would not recomend ours.
    lol, i know how your bag is always changing. let me know if you do find any smokin deals on good mikens. i keep my open daily on here, but usually miss out on them. text me up when your in the area sometime, i'll hit you up when im in duluth. 218-780-0460
    fritz, thanks for coming up this weekend. if you ever need a player for a tourney or something, let me know, i'm always down for playing.

    you still have those 3 mikens in your bag? was checking out the pics....if you do, what are those :)
    Yeah boi, I invited Fritz up to this local tourney I was playin in... Definitely GTG board bro...
    In the house right now we have:3 mv-1's, utrip superfreak, asa super freak, 2 asa nrg's, freak plus, og reaper, asa mutant, afflicted, fulk, and an og hammer ;)
    i had to do some research to figure you out (looked at photo of bats), but yes i just did figure it out ha.
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