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  1. S20

    Future Review

    Just gonna start off by sayin that this bat is FUN!! Mix of .44 and .52 balls. Distance: in the Outfield the ball would carry about 10 feet further than where you would set up to catch it. It just keep going. Banged chain a lot. And we were on a baseball field that was 325' on the lines' and...
  2. S20

    Future Pics
  3. S20

    LHB Final Results

    Who won????
  4. S20

    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter to the D Nation!!!!!
  5. S20

    For those of you

    Who are worried about your bats not passing compression: We only had 4 fail this last weekend at the Dual Major. And 3 of them was because of cracks.
  6. S20

    My avy

    Just another example as to why pitchers should wear a mask. No matter how good of a glove you have, it only takes one little mistake for you to wear a line-drive.
  7. S20

    Please Tell These Dumb MFer's

    That there is no thing as a "factory shaved" bat. WTF would they shave it at the factory it was just made at?:confused:
  8. S20

    LTB Worth Prodigy

    LTB 14" Worth Prodigy Glove. I already have one, but would like another for a back-up.
  9. S20

    Worth Flex-Fits

    Anyone know where I can get a Navy and Red Worth Flex-Fit?