Search results

  1. F

    What are your gamer bats this year???

    Easton 1 piece Empires n old school Combat Snake (last one)! Aloha, Fabe
  2. F

    For Sale Turfs and Cleats

    Can U pls PM with info on New Balance size 9 turfs...can’t seem to open pics! Tropical internet not good today! Aloha, Fabe
  3. F

    Senior bats on a budget

    Always been an Easton guy...finally got some good Senior models! I broke in a blue one piece 2018 empire...really good sound n performance...also bought 2 2020 one piece Ron Parnell models...great exit speeds n beginning to get distance too! Aloha, Fabe
  4. F

    Worth AT18..

    Check with Alan Tanner that’s his signature bat! He has a lot of information concerning bats! Aloha, Fabe
  5. F

    Swing broken down by Steve Imlay

    Gave me new ideas when our parks are open with my Tee work! Enjoyed insight to my swing when I hit those one hoppers to the infield... looking forward to doing some swing work soon! Stay healthy n safe... Aloha, Fabe
  6. F

    For Sale SOLD 26oz. White 12" short barreled Combat Centenarian

    On this site $100 to $125... Aloha, Fabe
  7. F

    20 Empire vs 18 Empire vs Hitman

    Top two in mho... 2020 Ron Parnell/ one piece....2018 Blue one piece. I prefer one piece n endloads, but both have minimal endloads! These are my gamers currently... Aloha, Fabe
  8. F

    GTG Pop34 GTG

    Awesome deal n bat...GTG Board Braddah
  9. F

    Easton Blue 2018

    Interested in getting one! Aloha, Fabe
  10. F

    LTB Easton Synergy Flex

    PM wuz sent...Aloha, Fabe
  11. F

    Easton Empire Blue one piece

    Thanx...don’t do facebook!
  12. F

    Easton Empire Blue one piece

    Looking for a 26 or 27...Aloha, Fabe
  13. F

    2020 Jim Sherman Memorial/Northwest Championships

    Fields are in a nice environment n good condition! I walk n jog around there when visiting my family! Aloha, Fabe
  14. F

    interested in your Blue senior Empire

    interested in your Blue senior Empire
  15. F

    26 oz Easton Empire - Blue one peice

    Interested in what U have...Aloha, Fabe
  16. F

    U still got that blue senior easton? LMK... Aloha, Fabe

    U still got that blue senior easton? LMK... Aloha, Fabe
  17. F

    For Sale OG Combat and Ultra

    Bump for an awesome bat! Still got a 26el...Aloha, Fabe
  18. F

    Senior bats on a budget

    The OG Combats models are great bats! Silver Snake, Yellow Mike Machenko, early Centenarian...hard to find but awesome Combats! I agree with the Wicked evaluation given. Aloha, Fabe
  19. F

    LTB Looking to buy a durable 28oz bat for BP.

    PM was sent...Aloha, Fabe
  20. F

    What is a First Batch SCX2

    One of the most expensive ones just a few years ago! Aloha, Fabe