Price Check 27oz Voltage SB73V


Addicted to Softballfans
Picked one up a couple weeks ago from a board bro, overall nice bat has a little webbing and paint chips over the P and what might be the start of a crack :confused:, not sure if it is a crack i ran a pin head over the spot and it doesnt catch so hasnt fully cracked if it is a crack, doesnt have many cuts on it and is still nice and shiny, looking for what a fair price on it is, thanks ahead for the input










FSU Nation
It is hard to say about the crack since the picture is not clear. I don't know how much paid for it but if it is a crack, your best bet is sell on the other site. If it is a deep scratch only probably looking at 300 or more....


Addicted to Softballfans
Ya i tried taking literally 50 pics and cant get anything worthwhile, will probably go there with it but thought if someone wants to give it try then id let them..thanks


Ya i tried taking literally 50 pics and cant get anything worthwhile, will probably go there with it but thought if someone wants to give it try then id let them..thanks

Get a better camera or learn how to operate the one you have.... :D


click the Macro option to get better pics of the crack. until then, the estimate could fluxate huge.


Addicted to Softballfans
Get a better camera or learn how to operate the one you have.... :D

ya im electronic illeterate........

click the Macro option to get better pics of the crack. until then, the estimate could fluxate huge.

ill try that if i can figure it out

He has in somewhere else for $575 anyway....

yep just put it on, good catch i forgot the obo in the listing, it was receommended by a few guys on here with the possible crack, as its against the rules to sell a bat with a crack.....


its the little symbol on teh cam that looks like this. damn, $575 with webbing is nuts. obo or not. good luck to you though.



Addicted to Softballfans
Im not looking to get anywhere near that, i just like to put it up nice and high because i can, lol.......heres some more pics since milli taught me how to use my camera........




the last pic is the best the paint is webbed and chipped, then there is that little white line you can barely see, thats what i can the pin head over, lmk what you think


The 90's were great.....
Bump for a hot stick that could have 20 nice swings on it and still go for 300+ on the b a y ! ! !