For Sale 28 oz SP12ST100, 28.5 oz Orange LV1

Got a few bats for sale. Post here or Shoot me a PM, either way, doesn't matter. All prices are Paypal Gift or add the 4%

Demarini Juice: 28oz, Crapload of hits. Original owner, bought it in 2007. Still has plenty of pop. Handle faded but servicable.

Miken DC Psycho: 28oz, Supermax, Lots and lots of hits. Got it off a BB a few years ago, used it until last season. Hits hard. Could use a new grip.

Miken Psycho Balanced: 28oz, got it from a BB, swung it only a few times. It doesn't feel as balanced as I'd like. Feels like it still needs to be broken in a bit. OG grip.

Easton LV1: 28.5 oz, got it from a BB, used by a couple teammates for a season. Wasn't really awed by it's performance or feel.

$80 Each
$155 FOR 2

Easton Stealth 100 (SP12ST100): 28 oz, Unknown # of hits but feels a little stiff still. Lizard Skin grip. My 98h feels better so I don't have use for it. $180

$55 Demarini Distance: 30oz, Doublewall, One of my favorites, just doesn't hit the low comp. balls well. There's a flat spot that runs from the beginning of the M to the end of the N in "DEMARINI". OG grip actually in pretty damn good shape. Would prefer to ship with another bat rather than pay to ship it alone. $45 if you buy another bat as well.

I'm sure I probably missed some details so if you have any questions, feel free to ask please.
