A Wish for Wendy (Alpharetta, GA)


Saw this on Georgia ASA's Facebook page, so I'm posting it here...

A team had to drop out of "Wish for Wendy." If you play slow-pitch softball and are willing to make a small tax-deductible donation (you can pick the amount that is feasible to you) to play this Saturday in Alpharetta, GA; email Andy Lipman at [email protected]. The first 7 guys and 5 women are on the team. Your 1st game would be 10am this Saturday at Alpharetta's North Park.

A Wish for Wendy is a charity tournament to benefit cystic fibrosis. Just thought I'd pass this along.

More info here: http://wishforwendy.org/


Playing in this. I think we may have a shot, we have a great team lined up!!

If anyone can put together a team, this is a GREAT fun tourney. You will not regret it. Very organized, the level of competition is good, everyone is really nice and it is a great cause. Hope another team can fill this spot!