Any point to use overlap grip w/o dropping a pinkie?


Star Player
I've been reading on batting grips and it seems like everyone does the overlap w/ a pinkie drop in addition. This is supposed to give you more whip/leverage. Is there any point of doing a regular bottom grip and using an overlap? Can you get the same increased whip without dropping the pinkie?


Addicted to Softballfans
The point of dropping fingers, (pinky, ring finger, ect...), is to make the bat longer & give more leverage in addition to providing whip to the bat head. I think that really, there would be no benefit to not dropping fingers. When you overlap the top hand, initially, most players lose a little control of the bat head until they get used to the grip. I just tried it w/ dry swings & while your wrists roll over, it just does not feel as smooth to me. All I can suggest is to try it & see if you notice any difference.


Addicted to Softballfans
The point of dropping fingers, (pinky, ring finger, ect...), is to make the bat longer & give more leverage in addition to providing whip to the bat head. I think that really, there would be no benefit to not dropping fingers. When you overlap the top hand, initially, most players lose a little control of the bat head until they get used to the grip. I just tried it w/ dry swings & while your wrists roll over, it just does not feel as smooth to me. All I can suggest is to try it & see if you notice any difference.


Damn Addiction
IMO...dropping the pinky not only helps by adding a little more length to the bat, but for the most part allows your wrist to "break" more, hence more whip.

I overlap my top hand pinky only, as I still feel I have control of the bat, but it allows me to let the top hand come off the bat after contact easier...


Addicted to Softballfans
IMO...dropping the pinky not only helps by adding a little more length to the bat, but for the most part allows your wrist to "break" more, hence more whip.

I overlap my top hand pinky only, as I still feel I have control of the bat, but it allows me to let the top hand come off the bat after contact easier...

I've changed mine to ring finger on the knob, and pinky dropped, and overlap 2 fingers on the top hand, I used to do 3. I feel I've got the best of both worlds, a little bat control, with the whip/leverage.

Your wrists to break easier/quicker, and not only do you not roll them over cause you've got a knob going into the outside of your bottom hands wrists, it goes into your palm