Arm strength


Well-Known Member
Building and incorporating Core and lower body strength come into play as well! Something I ignored in my youth. Wish I woulda had a coach stress that to me at a younger age and teach me how to properly incorporate into my throwing mechanics! I threw all arm from little league through high school. Throw harder now at 38 than I did when I was 18 with less effort. And the less effort is a necessity dt "all arm" technique used in my earlier years! Lol!
Yeppers. My father always pointed to Tom Seaver and Nolan Ryan. Use your legs and follow through and end up in a fielding position for pitching. Crow hop and come over the top and follow-through from the OF. Never had arm problems until my mid 30s playing stickball. Throwing a tennis ball is not a good thing. smh.


New Member
It’s been said; learn the mechanics. There’s lots of YouTube videos to guide you. Educate yourself on the physics of throwing along with the your anatomy and the muscles involved. You have to have intimate knowledge of throwing to know how to throw at your highest potential.


always online
I never had an arm, suspected mechanics. At Softball Mag's Spring Training I listen to a talk by Bob O'Brien, college pitcher then hs and college pitching coach. I was correct, lol, bad mechanics on my part.
I would suggest finding a throwing coach for the kids.
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Addicted to Softballfans
^^^^^^^^ Totally worth looking up Bob's you tube video on throwing. His instructions are spot on and if you want to increase your arm strength, accuracy and distance then check out his video. Biggest he thing he shows you is the difference between pushing your throws vs the correct way of pulling your throws.


Bow flex may help. Started with 60 lbs 15 reps, now 90 sitting on the bench throwing motion 25-30 reps in each hand to prevent lopsidedness 3x a week. Overthrowing is now a problem lol


Part Time Player
For the younger kids, Driveline works well. Crosssover Symetry bands workout program is also very good as well as the J-band system. But, all for not if they don't have good mechanics