Attention Umpires!


So as some of you know, I've been working hard at getting a new forum set up. Finally, I think it's time I formally announced it and opened it up to the general public!

It caters specifically and exclusively to the softball umpire, and all levels are welcome from the greenest rookie to the most seasoned of veterans. Doesn't matter if you call slow pitch on the weekends or fast pitch travel ball, all questions and topics are welcome, as it's our goal to bring up the level of umpiring across the entire spectrum (though we do have a strict "No Trolling" policy).

We have sections for rules and mechanics, a section for umpire gear discussion, reviews and trading, as well as an area for regular idle chat.

I'm also going to work on putting together other content such as articles and blogs from trusted members, but that will come in due time.

So without further ado, I'd like to invite all umpires to the new forum: Umpiring Softball

Membership is free. Come on by! We look forward to seeing you there!