

Addicted to Softballfans
Just ordered a 26oz Avarice, Been wanting to swing one for a while but never got around to it. Found a good deal on one NIW but i hear they dont last long? BP or just game swings?


Just ordered a 26oz Avarice, Been wanting to swing one for a while but never got around to it. Found a good deal on one NIW but i hear they dont last long? BP or just game swings?

most of them don't last to long i would take 50-100 bp swings then save it for only games! Most i have seen last 500-700 swings. You wont be disappointed in it buddy.


asa or utrip?

finally got an asa one and love it. waiting for a utrip version to fall into price range


Addicted to Softballfans
as long as its a FUN 100 swings im ok with it

Took mine out of the wrapper last weekend, never swung one before.

Holy sht do they live up to the hype. Took 15 swings, no problems whatsoever, but that will be the last time it is BPed as it is more than gtg out of the wrapper. So yes I predict it will be a fun 100 swings.


Well-Known Member
Mine hits the absolute piss out of the ball. Well, I'm swinging it, but it hits as hard as anything else that I own thats stock.


I love the avarice so much i had to have 3 of them and one of reciepts is almost up so I've been letting anyone swing it at my games and over the last month Its been passed around and used by 3-4 guys each game and it won't break. Of course it won't break now that I want it to.


Addicted to Softballfans
Mine wont die either. Have almost 500 hits on it between a buddy and myself. Webbed up nicely but isn't dying. ASA version though.


Addicted to Softballfans
I love the avarice so much i had to have 3 of them and one of reciepts is almost up so I've been letting anyone swing it at my games and over the last month Its been passed around and used by 3-4 guys each game and it won't break. Of course it won't break now that I want it to.



Addicted to Softballfans
Are these endloaded or balanced? I've been thinking about ordering one, but I really dont swing endloaded bats well.


with the dual sweet spot you should never have a mis hit again. :D
If there is anyone on this site who can figure out a way to mis-hit a bat with a dual SS, trust me, it would be me. It can and will be done by me...most likely on a repeated basis.


Please do not over love the Avarice with bp swings.......please..................
Unless you're me...I could put 1000 swings on a bat made out of paper-thin glass and still not web it up. I think I was the only one in the world who couldn't web up either the OGGS or the Combatant.


Addicted to Softballfans
Unless you're me...I could put 1000 swings on a bat made out of paper-thin glass and still not web it up. I think I was the only one in the world who couldn't web up either the OGGS or the Combatant.


I had one web in the back of my truck on the way to the field. I pulled it out looked at the wrapper, and POOF!!!!!! the webbing started;)


Addicted to Softballfans
Please do not over love the Avarice with bp swings.......please..................

I wont ill keep my eye on it. Kinda sad how you have to watch your bat now a days so it dont break! Use to be able to just swing away and not worry


Banned User
Do these hit the 52/300 a long ways aswell or should I opt for an ASA combat only for distance?
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