Best ball for orthofox/mofified pitching?


New Member
We aren't used to using raised seams but it looks like most Ortho balls have raised seams?

Seems tricky because we use fastpitch balls with slow pitch bats.


Addicted to Softballfans
Some orthodox use fast pitch balls (KMasters or Red dots), but most use slow pitch balls.
Fast pitch balls are ideal because of the raised seams, and orthodox is closer to fast pitch than to modified.


Well-Known Member
Some orthodox use fast pitch balls (KMasters or Red dots), but most use slow pitch balls.
Fast pitch balls are ideal because of the raised seams, and orthodox is closer to fast pitch than to modified.
Orthodox is modified. I've never heard it called Orthodox, however. Some pitchers can still throw pretty hard in modified. Well over 50mph, for sure.


Well-Known Member
I don't think I've ever seen a ball get misshapen in a modified game. Not saying it never happened, but I've never seen it. I would imagine that in a Fastpitch game it might happen due to the speed of the pitch. Again, I haven't seen that either since I stopped playing Fastpitch when all they had were cork-centered balls.
In Orthodox/modified most balls will be ok, imo.